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Question about Multiconveyor

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Nigel van der valk

Apr 3, 2024, 9:53:51 AM4/3/24
to JaamSim Users Discussion Group

I'm new to JaamSim and i had a few question about how to set up my simulation.

i have 1 entityGenerator which i will connect to 12 conveyors using a branch with uniformdistribution. all 12conveyors end in a queue and i want to empty the queues to new conveyor (number 13) one by one where it goes into a entitySink

1. How can i set the distribution to the conveyors to stop filling a specific conveyor if it is (near) full?
2. How can i unload all 12 conveyors to new conveyor one by one
3. how do i stop filling the first 12 conveyors when it is emptying and start again after it is empty (so no filling if conveyor is not idle)?

Thanks in advance!


May 26, 2024, 4:31:03 AM5/26/24
to JaamSim Users Discussion Group
Hello Nigel,

maybe I have a proposal for your questions.
There is 1 entity creator who creates different parts which are going into separate boxes.
The boxes are processed in a server, e.g. an oven, than the entities are unpacked.
Hope this gives you some hints to solve your problem.
Best Regards,
EntityGenerator creates different parts_v5.cfg
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