Slow software response when running model

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Knut Arild Maråk

Dec 20, 2024, 2:51:24 PM12/20/24
to JaamSim Users Discussion Group

I've developed a model over the last 4 years now. The execution speed has been reduced as more functionality has been added to my model, which is to be expected. 

More recently, I'm experiencing a lack of response when running the model. Starting the model by clicking Run is fine, but once the model is running it takes from 0.5 to 30 seconds before the software reacts, either when I try to pause it or click the Real Time-button. The reaction time gets longer the longer the model has run. Moving around in the running model is fine, and the Text Boxes and graphics in the model also updates normally as the model runs, while the values in the Output Viewer are close to frozen. 

I tried the same model on a different PC, both with 2024-08 but got the same problem there.

The speed of the model is around 1 million times clock speed.

Have you experienced this? Can it be due to old code not working well in newer versions of JaamSim? Is it due to inefficient model programming from my side? Is the only solution to re-build the model from scratch? 

Best regards, 
Knut Maråk

Harry King

Dec 22, 2024, 10:40:46 PM12/22/24
to JaamSim Users Discussion Group
Hi Knut,

As we have discussed in our private communications, we have not been able to reproduce the slow UI problem when we run your model. Some possible explanations are:
  • Anti-virus software on your computer that is interfering with JaamSim
  • Insufficient RAM
  • Insufficient cores on your CPU chip.  A chip with just two cores such as the i3 or i5 may not be sufficient for your model.
An execution speed of just 1 million times clock speed is many times slower than we get on our computers.  This suggests that the slow UI response is not the only problem.


Knut Arild Maråk

Dec 27, 2024, 2:19:24 PM12/27/24
to JaamSim Users Discussion Group
Thanks for your help here. 

Today I deleted some SubModel-clones which are currently not in use in the model, and that seemed to help a lot, both on the latency problem and the execution speed. The problem with delayed reaction when clicking the Pause-button was also almost fully resolved after re-creating the clones. 

Still, I noticed something strange in the Event Viewer while running the model: when the Execution Time Profile pane is shown, there is still a 0.5 second delay when clicking the Pause-button. There is no such delay when the Future Event pane is shown. 
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