Hello, Klaus,
With your question, I realize my mistake in describing the model, I'm very sorry.
1) As I understand the parts FG1 etc. are created with the EntityGenerator. Which EntityGenerator creates which FG1, FG2 etc.?
2) Which SimEntity is which FG1, FG2 etc.?
FG1 is the final product, made up of 4 parts:
(1 SimEntity1 + 2 SimEntity3 + 1 SimEntity2)
So to produce 200 pieces of FG1, you need to generate 200 SimEntity1, 200 SimEntity2 and 400 SimEntity3.
Do I need to specify each quantity in the ProductionMap file or can I use an expression to indicate the quantities?
3) What happens on the assembly points? How long takes the assembly process?
The connection points can be described as follows:
Assemble1: 1 SimEntity1 + 2 SimEntity3 resulting in SimEntity4
Assemble2: 1 SimEntity2 + SimEntity4 resulting in SimEntity5
The assemble time is very small, since it is automatic and does not depend on an operator.
Summarizing the process:
SimEntity1 is generated and processed in EntityProcessor1 (following an exponential distribution), if there are 2 SimEntity3 waiting in Queue5 then it moves on to Assemble1 with a service time of 0.5 seconds and generating SimEntity4.
Meanwhile, SimEntity2 is generated and moves on to be processed (also following an exponential distribution) by EntitProcessor2 and waits for SimEntity4 to move on, and then goes on to Assemble2 and generates SimEntity5, which represents the final product.
The final product (SimEntity5) is still processed on Server1 and then goes to packaging, in order to generate boxes with 10 units of SimEntity5 each.
Thank you very much for your quick reply. I hope I've made myself clear. If you need any more information, don't hesitate to contact me.