Bobstay Set-up

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Michael Austin

Sep 27, 2024, 2:51:29 PMSep 27
to J/92 Owners
I recall that several of y'all mentioned that you had installed a bobstay on your "s" boats.  Would it be possible to post your installations?  


Máté Fehér

Sep 27, 2024, 3:11:05 PMSep 27
to J/92 Owners

EC Helme

Oct 3, 2024, 10:00:16 AMOct 3
In my application I have a glassed in pass-through just behind the stem and just above the waterline.  Dynema is spliced on to that hole. The dynema then goes through a hole in the center of the sprit’s forward end cap (edges eased) and ties to a large stopper ball, the aft side of which has a loop.  The entire stopper ball fits nicely in a tennis ball to give some protection to the inside of the pole and interior of the end cap.  The loop on the aft end of the ball is made to a long bungee that runs out of the aft end of the pole, turns forward and runs up to the forward bulkhead with the other pole control lines.  In operation, when the pole is extended the stopper ball moves to the forward end cap and seats there.  When the pole is retracted, the bungee draws in the dynema keeping it out of the way.  The adjustments are primarily made at the splice on the stem to ensure full pole extension. 


EC Helme

On Sep 27, 2024, at 3:11 PM, Máté Fehér <> wrote:

<IMG_0963.jpeg> a következőt írta (2024. szeptember 27., péntek, 20:51:29 UTC+2):
I recall that several of y'all mentioned that you had installed a bobstay on your "s" boats.  Would it be possible to post your installations?  


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