Hi all,
I just checked out the latest j2objc source code and compiled j2objc using the following command:
export J2OBJC_ARCHS="iphone64 iphone64e simulator64"
make -j8 all_dist
The build process was successful, and everything runs fine. However, in the /lib folder, I noticed that the .a libraries are split into /iphone and /simulator.
Now, in the Xcode project settings, I need to change the Library search paths accordingly.
I used 'lipo -info' to check the architectures of the libraries:
/lib/simulator/libguava.a has architectures: x86_64 arm64
/lib/iphone/libguava.a has architectures: arm64 arm64e
My question is, can I combine the /iphone and /simulator fat files to build a single.a file with the architectures: x86_64 arm64 arm64e?"