@property (readonly, class, strong) JavaUtilLocale *ENGLISH NS_SWIFT_NAME(ENGLISH);
@property (readonly, class, strong) JavaUtilLocale *FRENCH NS_SWIFT_NAME(FRENCH);
@property (readonly, class, strong) JavaUtilLocale *GERMAN NS_SWIFT_NAME(GERMAN);
which obviously was transcompiled from https://github.com/google/j2objc/blob/master/jre_emul/android/platform/libcore/ojluni/src/main/java/java/util/Locale.java, where we can see on the 577 line:
/** Useful constant for language.
static public final Locale ENGLISH = createConstant("en", "");
/** Useful constant for language.
static public final Locale FRENCH = createConstant("fr", "");
When I do make frameworks I don't see these getters. Maybe am I missing something? For build I use:
export J2OBJC_ARCHS="iphone iphone64 simulator simulator64"
make -j2 frameworks
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