use of __weak instead of __unsafe_unretained

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Jindrich Sarson

belum dibaca,
12 Feb 2021, 05.31.4012/02/21

there is issue regarding change of conversion @Weak annotated fields to __weak attribute. It looks like this should be relative safe and easy change. Is there any reason it is not implemented yet? We were changed this in our j2objc build, but I'd like to ask - should I worry about any side effects?



Tom Ball

belum dibaca,
12 Feb 2021, 13.54.2712/02/21
There shouldn't be side-effects, unless you want your weak references to crash when they're null instead of throwing NullPointerExceptions. :-)

It turns out this was fixed four months ago, just not closed. If you are building j2objc-generated code with ARC, then nothing needs to be done. If you don't build with ARC, compiling with the "-fobjc-weak" flag enables it. The good news is that I added "-fobjc-weak" to the flags Google apps that use non-ARC j2objc, and after four months there still aren't any reported issues.

Do you think we should require this compiler flag for non-ARC code? It seems much safer, with similar behavior as Java's WeakReference class. To require it, j2objc would have to generate the following for sources that have @Weak fields:

#if ! __has_feature((objc_arc_weak)
#error "@Weak annotations in non-ARC code require weak attribute support (-fobjc-weak)"

I'd also update and the docs to add that required flag.

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Jindrich Sarson

belum dibaca,
12 Feb 2021, 15.19.4612/02/21
Thanks! I downloaded new sources from git and it works perfectly!

I think that -fobjc-weak should be required, because I don't see any reason to use __unsafe_unretained unless you target iOS 4 :-).


Tom Ball

belum dibaca,
23 Feb 2021, 19.17.0823/02/21
Implemented last week in da2f6cd. To avoid clutter, the check only appears in .m files from Java sources that have a Weak or WeakOuter annotation:

#if !__has_feature(objc_arc_weak)
#error "java/lang/Thread must be compiled with weak references support (-fobjc-weak)"

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