I have been building with j2objc 2.8 until now. Today I created a fork and built a dist from the next to the last checkout (git checkout 4adbb2ddc7c542431902ee14e77256ba7808923d). In the image below, the left hand file is the java file being processed, the shot in the middle is what was generated today using the updated j2objc. The file on the right is the same file as it was processed by j2objc 2.8.
This is the build command in xcode used to call j2objc to produce the file.
"${J2OBJC_HOME}/j2objc" --swift-friendly -d ${GENERATED_FILES_DIR} -classpath ${J2OBJC_HOME}/lib/json.jar -sourcepath "${JAVA_SOURCE_PATH}" --no-package-directories --prefixes "${SRCROOT}/AppLibCommon/prefixes.properties" -use-arc -g ${INPUT_FILE_PATH};
With this option, in j2objc 2.8, all of the .h and .m files are located in one directory regardless of where they appeared in the hierarchy in the original java code at the completion of the run. I assume that I need to change some option to accommodate a change made. If you can tell me what I need to change, I would appreciate it