Quick question about our next event - mentoring

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Meredith Noble

Apr 15, 2009, 4:17:57 PM4/15/09
to IxDA Toronto
We're going to co-host our next event with the UXIrregulars yet again.
It will be sometime in the next two or three weeks.

We're planning an evening of discussions about mentoring:
- A couple of speakers will talk about their past mentoring
experiences, good and bad
- We'll watch part of Kim Goodwin's keynote from the Interaction '09
- We'll break up into groups to brainstorm what we could do in Toronto
to promote and enable mentoring relationships among UX folk

Note that we'll be discussing things both from a mentor and a 'mentee'

Before we finalize a date, we need to know how many people might show
up for such an event (and therefore how big a space to book!).

Please take 10 seconds and tell us whether or not you would be
interested: http://tr.im/iUcB

And please forward this to others in the field. We'd love to have lots
of people, we just need to be prepared for them :)

Thanks so much everyone!

Meredith & Matt (& Kaleem of UXIrregulars)
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