If you would like, you could give me a jar with additional exception trace that gives more info why download was aborted.
I'll be happy to re-run it here, if this may make it easier to re-create and troubleshoot.
Thank you,
-----Original Message-----
From: Igor Zaydlin
Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2010 6:40 PM
To: 'Mass Dosage'; ivy...@googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: [IvySvn] download error
Thanks a lot for response.
Attached is log with debug enabled ...
I also noticed that which download fails is random among the files.
This is a .bat that invokes ivy
SET CLASSPATH=%LIBS%\ivy.jar;%LIBS%\svnkit.jar;%LIBS%\trilead.jar;%LIBS%\ivysvnresolver.jar
java -cp %CLASSPATH% -Dbuild.toolBase=%BUILD_TOOLBASE% -Dbuild.repoBase=%RESOLVER_CACHE% -Dbuild.configuration=%BUILD_CONFIGURATION% -Dbuild.externs=%EXTERNDIR% org.apache.ivy.Main -settings %IVY_SETTINGS% -ivy %IVY% -debug
-----Original Message-----
From: Mass Dosage [mailto:massd...@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2010 6:27 PM
To: ivy...@googlegroups.com
Cc: Igor Zaydlin
Subject: Re: [IvySvn] download error
Hey Igor,
Can you run ant in debug mode (pass -d on the command line) and send me any stack traces or error messages that you get from that? I've never seen IvySvn behave like you describe and I've used it to download tens of files at once.
On 2 April 2010 00:09, Igor Zaydlin <IZay...@geneva-trading.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Getting file for user izaydlin from
> https://subversion/svn/3rdparty/29west/lbm/3.5.2/api/win/net/2.0/debug
> /lbmcs.dll
> [revision=-1] to
> C:\SVN_Tree_Structure\Tools\_Ivy.Resolve\resolve\29west\lbm\3.5.2\bin\
> debug\lbmcs.dll.part
> ERROR: Error retrieving
> https://subversion/svn/3rdparty/29west/lbm/3.5.2/api/win/
> net/2.0/debug/lbmcs.dll [revision=-1]
> I am getting download error, when number of dependencies gets over
> some
> threshold:
> Each of dependencies downloads fine, as well as combination of any 2
> of them, but when trying all listed below
> I am getting an error.
> I can also recreate it if I increase number of files included in
> artifact published by a single dependency.
> ivy.xml
> <dependencies>
> <dependency org="springsource"
> name="springframework" rev="1.3" />
> <dependency org="apache" name="log4net"
> rev="1.2.10" />
> <dependency org="29west" name="lbm"
> rev="3.5.2"/>
> </dependencies>
> Thank you,
> Igor
> --
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> Groups "ivysvn" group.
> To post to this group, send email to ivy...@googlegroups.com.
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> For more options, visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/ivysvn?hl=en.
I've never seen a failure message like that before - there is no stack trace and a null message. In both the files you attached the problematic resource appeared to be "Spring.Aop.dll", I assume you double checked that this file is actually there right? You also mentioned that it breaks on different files each time and happens when you download more than one. This couldn't be some sort of networking issue on your side? The connection being interrupted or something like that? Or some kind of limiting on the number of downloads per user? I'm guessing here but the fact that it's so random makes me think IvySvn isn't the cause here. Let me know, otherwise I can also send you the latest version built from SVN and you could try that and see if it helps in any way.
From: ivy...@googlegroups.com [ivy...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Igor Zaydlin [IZay...@geneva-trading.com]
Sent: 02 April 2010 01:22
To: 'massd...@gmail.com'
Cc: 'ivy...@googlegroups.com'
Subject: FW: [IvySvn] download error
Spring.Aop.dll is there, and downloads fine as part of smaller set.
The problematic file is actually pretty sporadic ( could be any ).
Let's say I am downloading 5 files. Then 4 files download fine and 5th fails. If I do not clean cache and just re-run, then ivyResolver just downloads 5th with no problem. But if I clean and force to download full set, it fails on one of them.
It does not look like download is limited per user, since I can download the same set ( or much bigger one ) with TortoiseSVN without errors.
There potentially could be interrupted connection, that causing download fail. But I do not see this with TortoiseSVN or command line svn client,
and IvySvn errors consistently.
I wander, if you may have any time-out setting internally, that may get triggered this behavior ?
Would be great if you could send me the latest build to try.
Any way to put additional trace in to see what error actually caused download to abort ?
Thank you very much for your help,
I will send you a trunk build to try out and we can take it from
there. If you still get the same error then we can try adding some
more log output.