IvySvn 2.2.0 released

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Mass Dosage

Dec 20, 2010, 6:51:11 AM12/20/10
to ivysvn
IvySvn 2.2.0 is now available for download from http://code.google.com/p/ivysvn/

This is a fairly minimal release in terms of changes, the main update
being that it now uses Ivy 2.2.0 (which was released fairly recently).
Other changes include the latest version of SvnKit (1.3.4), a fix for
a bug that occurred when performing an Ivy install (see
http://code.google.com/p/ivysvn/issues/detail?id=24) and some extra
Ant targets that can be used for publishing snapshots.

For more information on the new features please refer to the
CHANGELOG.txt file which is part of the release.

Thank you to everyone from the open source community (especially the
peeps at Last.fm) who helped
contribute to this release by giving feedback, feature ideas, code
patches and helping with testing.

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