Interested in geocaching over break?

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IU Geocaching

Mar 11, 2011, 4:21:15 PM3/11/11
Hey guys!
Hope your spring break is off to a great start! If you're in town, I was wondering if anyone would like to go geocaching someday between Saturday-Tuesday? Please reply with what day works for you and we'll try to get together a small group of people in town to go geocaching together in town or maybe Lake Griffy. I'm imagining this will be mostly graduate students, since that's usually who's in town during break.
Don't forget that we have GPS units for you so you can go out with your friends or by yourself. Check out the map at to see where there are geocaches near you!
If you haven't heard, there are 6 GPS units available for students to check-out using your student IDs within the Wells Library. You must go to the circulation desk on the second floor of the East Tower. This can be accessed through the elevator on the east side, or through the escalator that's in the library's lobby. You can check out a GPS unit for 4 days. They also come with instruction manuals!
Geocaching with your iPhone, Android Phone, or Windows Phone 7
If you didn't already know, you can use your iPhone to geocache! has an iPhone & Android application that's $9.99 and a free trial that allows you to find 3 geocaches. Visit or or for more information. That's MUCH cheaper than paying for a GPS unit! Will and Maria use the application and say it works great.
Hope you have a great break and hopefully find some cool geocaches wherever you are! A few of our members are going caching in Las Vegas, Nashville, Tennessee, and Alabama. We've got some cool ideas for events when you come back including a flashmob, more intro to geocaching events, hikes, and a 100 caches in a day marathon! Let me know what kinds of events you are interested in!
Jess Falkenthal
Geocaching Club at IU Co-President
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