Comments and help for Makeup exam

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Dr. Andrés Aravena

Jul 6, 2021, 3:03:36 AM7/6/21
to IU Computing in Molecular Biology

Hi everybody

I’ve got several questions about the makeup exam, and I think it will be fair that I share the answers with all of you.

Question 1.1 has three parts

  • take one by one the elements of sizes and assign to an auxiliary variable, let’s call it s
  • create a random binomial vector, with n=10000 or more, fixed probability prob and a single size s
  • calculate the mean of this random binomial vector, and store it in a new vector, let’s say avg

The function calc_average should return the vector avg. If done correctly, the vectors size and avg should have the same length. This can be done with a for loop or using sapply.

In Question 1.2, please remember to show only the coefficients of the linear model

In Question 1.3 we do four parts

  • Take one by one the elements of probs and assign to an auxiliary variable, let’s call it p
  • Get the vector avg using calc_average(p, sizes)
  • make a linear model of avg ~ sizes and evaluate its coefficients
  • store the second coefficient in a vector called all_avg

If done correctly, the vectors probs and all_avg should have the same length. This can be done with a for loop or using sapply.

Question 2 is more or less the same idea. Be careful with the details.

Question 3 is plain English. No need to write detailed plans. Just explain the resulting formula.

Please ask me any question you may have. Good luck. Take care. Enjoy.

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