Finished RelProxy, the Java and Groovy hot class reloader which perfectly fits with ItsNat

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Jose Maria Arranz Santamaria

Dec 25, 2013, 7:45:59 AM12/25/13

I've finished RelProxy, only is pending packaging the release and write docs (manual and javadocs)

RelProxy is a Java and Groovy hot class reloader, in spite of is a general purpose tool it was heavily inspired in ItsNat to provide hot class reload in development time... and if you want also in production.

More info here:

Take a look source code of RelProxy and ItsNat Experiments (link) for Maven and Ant configurations and code examples of how to use with ItsNat (Java and Groovy code) and standalone (shell).

You can get a compiled jar file with the last snapshot (virtually the final) here.

As bonus, RelProxy provides a shell environment to execute:

1) A pure Java archive packaged like a shell script file with no need of previous compilation, compilation is done on the fly and optionally .class can be saved in a cache to provide the fastest "scripting" language of the world. Code in the initial archive can call to other normal Java files, again with compilation on the fly. Example 1 and example 2
2) Execution of Java code snippets in command line (no need of packaging in an archive). Example.
3) Interactive console to edit and execute Java code (ever compilation on the fly). Example of launcher

Yes, Java is also a dynamic language with no need of manual compilation but extremely fast and robust  :)


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