New ITK-SNAP release: 3.6.0-beta

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Paul Yushkevich

Sep 29, 2016, 8:06:15 AM9/29/16
to,,, picsl-now,
Dear ITK-SNAP community,

We are happy to announce that the next significant release of ITK-SNAP is now in beta and available for download. The vision for ITK-SNAP 3.6 was to enable researchers to go from acquiring multi-modality imaging data on the scanner to generating segmentations in a few minutes, without the need for external tools. To this end, ITK-SNAP 3.6 brings several powerful new features, including support for multiple image sizes and resolutions within a single session; a new image registration tool (automatic or interactive); better DICOM support; and a new segmentation interpolation tool that lets you to manually segment large structures by drawing only a handful of contours.

Please see the graphical overview of these new features and the release notes for more information. 

Please take ITK-SNAP 3.6.0-beta for a spin and let us know on the mailing list or bug tracker if you encounter any problems. 

Thank you!

Paul A. Yushkevich, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Penn Image Computing and Science Laboratory
Department of Radiology
University of Pennsylvania
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