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iSquad Challenges and Trouble Shooting

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Nielsen Lisa

Feb 26, 2008, 4:51:41 PM2/26/08
to iTeachiLearn
Please share iSquad challenges or areas in need of trouble shooting


Feb 29, 2008, 9:31:49 AM2/29/08
to iTeachiLearn
One of the challenges we face at our school is finding enough time to
get everything done. We try to meet in the morning (good for us, bad
for kids.) Unfortunately, they want to meet in the afternoon (bad for
us!) We need to find the time to really get involved in the major
projects we have planned.

On Feb 26, 4:51 pm, Nielsen Lisa <>

Feb 29, 2008, 9:34:11 AM2/29/08
to iTeachiLearn
One challenge that I am having is trying to recruit new students. I
think that this problem stems from the fact that the sixth and seventh
graders don't have computers so do not see the benefits of being
involved. My hope is that when the new computers come in that this
will create more interest in expanding the program.

On Feb 26, 4:51 pm, Nielsen Lisa <>

Christina Jenkins

Feb 29, 2008, 9:40:51 AM2/29/08
to iTeachiLearn
I've been working on this as well - I don't know how I'm going to
choose new kids, but I've found that they're pretty motivated because
they're excited about launching laptops. I really need to be better
about rewarding these kids (incentives are one of my weaknesses),
because my 8th graders work really hard and pride can only take them
so far. Field trips and tshirts seem to work.


Feb 29, 2008, 9:57:06 AM2/29/08
to iTeachiLearn
We are trying to recruit kids who are not given computers who also
don't believe they will ever get their computers. There are also many
teachers who don't use the technology available to them

On Feb 26, 4:51 pm, Nielsen Lisa <>


Feb 29, 2008, 10:00:17 AM2/29/08
to iTeachiLearn

You mentioned you got e-mails for your entire student body. Did you
do this through eChalk? If not, do you mind sharing your process with

To comment on what you said about incentives, we find that little
things work at our school. Flash drives are always good. In
addition, we try to reward them with entering fun contests and field
trips. We just entered the 21st century contest and created a
commercial celebrating technology in our class. That was fun.

On Feb 29, 9:40 am, Christina Jenkins <>
> > > here.- Hide quoted text -
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Feb 29, 2008, 10:02:06 AM2/29/08
to iTeachiLearn
We are having a tough time getting the teachers who don't use the
technology available to them. They keep the computer carts locked and
when they do have their computers, teachers go nuts when they believe
they loose "part" of their lunch period so the students can bring
their laptops to their homerooms to charge.

Success: We have some teachers who haven't used the technology
(laptops, SmartBoards) now use it.

On Feb 26, 4:51 pm, Nielsen Lisa <>

Mar 1, 2008, 9:34:57 AM3/1/08
to iTeachiLearn
My biggest challenge is getting organized. I am one of the few
classes that does not have computers in my room so I need a space with
computers to meet with the students.

On Feb 26, 4:51 pm, Nielsen Lisa <>


Mar 1, 2008, 9:37:00 AM3/1/08
to iTeachiLearn
I can speak of one challenge we have and that is having enough work
for them to do. We have a larger group this year and they are all
enthusiastic. Teachers seem to need more support during the day than
we are able to provide, and afterschool when we have time to work, we
don't have enough to do.
I posted this in Ideas and successes, but it really belongs here.

On Feb 26, 4:51 pm, Nielsen Lisa <>


Mar 1, 2008, 10:03:35 AM3/1/08
to iTeachiLearn
Getting everyone motivated this year has been challenging as teachers
and students do not have laptops yet. Some of them have even lost
hope of getting them. Now that we have been told that we will get the
devices I anticipate being able to recruit new members and get
teachers and admin to support the group....

On Feb 26, 4:51 pm, Nielsen Lisa <>
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