A local computer magazine recently released a cd that came free with a copy
of the mag and on this cd was a bootable version of linux as an operating
system and it ran off the cd as the idea of testing it without installing
linux. I currently require something along the same idea but dont have the
cd but i do know you can download cds like this off the net. Would anyone
know where ???
Knoppix does this and is meant to be one of the best bootable cd-linux
distros. You can download the iso here: http://www.knoppix.org
You'll find a good one here:
I find it a great troubleshooting and recovery tool as well.
, ,
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(il).-'' ((i).' ((!.-' meow...
bye for now :^)
-johann koenig
Dynebolic http://dynebolic.org/ runs from the CD, 121 MB download. But
doesn't have as many drivers as Knoppix
http://www.knopper.net/knoppix/index-en.html a 700 MB d/l. If your
bandwidth is limited you may want to try dynebolic but it may not have
drivers for some hardware. Dyne uses a lighter weight desktop so may also
run faster.
"Ray Taylor" <the...@xtra.co.nz> wrote in message
You could also check out the lnx-bbc. Its about a 37mb download and fits
on a credit-card sized CD. I've used them for years to recover windows
systems, do hardware discovery, and have used one as a desktop for
primarily mail and websurfing. Its networking and diagnostic tools are
Check this one out too! Its a great toolkit.
Michael Perry | Do or do not. There is no try. -Master Yoda
mpe...@lnxpowered.org | http://www.lnxpowered.org