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System not recognizing CD-Rom

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Steven Wagner

Mar 28, 2002, 1:48:56 PM3/28/02
I am running Red Hat 6.1 and in the past month I have been unable to mount
the cdrom drive. Every attempt I make results in error: no medium found,
even though I am trying with the same disks I've used successfully on this
system/installation before. I'm thinking that it could be a hardware
problem, but I'd like to be sure before I buy a new drive.

Is there any diagnostic program built into Linux that I might be able to use
to determine whether or not I have a bad drive? It opens and closes, but I
was thinking maybe the laser is fubar or something.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, I want to upgrade to Red Hat 7.1 or
maybe a different installation, but without use of the net or the
cdrom...well, good karma to anyone who's got any advice for me.




Mar 28, 2002, 3:52:22 PM3/28/02
On Thu, 28 Mar 2002 at 18:48 GMT, Steven Wagner eloquently wrote:
> I am running Red Hat 6.1 and in the past month I have been unable to mount
> the cdrom drive. Every attempt I make results in error: no medium found,
> even though I am trying with the same disks I've used successfully on this
> system/installation before. I'm thinking that it could be a hardware
> problem, but I'd like to be sure before I buy a new drive.
> Is there any diagnostic program built into Linux that I might be able to use
> to determine whether or not I have a bad drive? It opens and closes, but I
> was thinking maybe the laser is fubar or something.
Hard you tried opening the case and resitting the connexions
to the cdrom. Could be the data link isn't hooked up right.

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Certified: 40% bastard, 22% of which is tard.

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