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looking for info........

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Sage Master

Sep 22, 2001, 3:14:45 PM9/22/01
First I apologize for the cross post - - - I have found that this act
offends others and that is not my intention. I have just found that some
folks not subscribe to all NG's but favor one or two.

That said - - -

I have a generic laptop currently running Windows SE. It has 133mhz, 40
megs Ram, 3 Gig HD, PCMCIA type II modem, floppy and CDROM drives. As you
see not all that powerful, but it serves my purposes... I use IE and Office

I have read, heard and dreamed that LINUX as an OS will increase the power
and speed of such a small system. I plan to install LINUX 7

And that is what I'd like to see.... plus I'd like to learn LINUX as well
and seeing my laptop is not my MAIN system the risk are minimum.

What I'd like to know is where to find complete installation info, walking
me step by step, from software to drivers, what I need to ensure a good
install as well as some info on the OS in a working laptop.

ANY and ALL help appreciated - - - flames are unnecessary for I am aware of
the LINUX loyalty base, that Windows sucks, and also I KNOW WHO MY DADDY IS
(he he he)

Any listing of links, books, and such would also help..........


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Charles Sullivan

Sep 22, 2001, 4:57:25 PM9/22/01
In article <_i5r7.11681$>, "Sage
Master" <> wrote:

> First I apologize for the cross post - - - I have found that this act
> offends others and that is not my intention. I have just found that some
> folks not subscribe to all NG's but favor one or two.
> That said - - -
> I have a generic laptop currently running Windows SE. It has 133mhz, 40
> megs Ram, 3 Gig HD, PCMCIA type II modem, floppy and CDROM drives. As
> you see not all that powerful, but it serves my purposes... I use IE and
> Office 2000.
> I have read, heard and dreamed that LINUX as an OS will increase the
> power and speed of such a small system. I plan to install LINUX 7
> And that is what I'd like to see.... plus I'd like to learn LINUX as
> well and seeing my laptop is not my MAIN system the risk are minimum.
> What I'd like to know is where to find complete installation info,
> walking me step by step, from software to drivers, what I need to ensure
> a good install as well as some info on the OS in a working laptop.
> ANY and ALL help appreciated - - - flames are unnecessary for I am aware
> of the LINUX loyalty base, that Windows sucks, and also I KNOW WHO MY
> DADDY IS (he he he)
> Any listing of links, books, and such would also help..........

Being willing to spend the time learning Linux is great. Given however
that you expect your main usage will be GUI software along the lines of IE
and Office, I hope you will not be disappointed to find that Linux
equivalents are not necessarily faster or more powerful. A strength of
Linux comes from the philosophy of writing software that does one thing
exceedingly well in a flexible way, as opposed to the general Windows
philosophy of one bloated program which does everything for everybody
willing to conform to the mould. However there appears to be an
unfortunate tendancy for Linux software to follow in the footprints of
Windows in this regard.

Garry Knight

Sep 22, 2001, 6:40:22 PM9/22/01
In article <_i5r7.11681$>, "Sage
Master" <> wrote:

> I have read, heard and dreamed that LINUX as an OS will increase the
> power and speed of such a small system. I plan to install LINUX 7

There is no Linux 7. Linux is up to version 2.4 at the moment. Maybe
you mean Redhat 7.1, Mandrake 7.2 (old - 8.0 is available), or SuSE
7.2, or maybe some other distribution.

> What I'd like to know is where to find complete installation info,
> walking me step by step, from software to drivers, what I need to
> ensure a good install as well as some info on the OS in a working
> laptop.

Mandrake and SuSE boxed sets come with installation manuals. You can
find out most of the rest of what you need to know at the following
sites set up for newcomers:

> ---
> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.

This isn't mail. It's Usenet.

Garry Knight ICQ 126351135
Linux registered user 182025

kevin wilcox

Sep 22, 2001, 8:45:43 PM9/22/01

Check out can get the two iso install files...these
can be burned to a cd using your favorite windows burner software....then,
check out is a howto on installing for the
first time that is FAIRLY thorough and should work for about 90% of all


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