how to delete / modify observations ?

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maurice Libes

May 28, 2021, 6:30:23 AM5/28/21
to istSOS
hello to all

new to istSOS i have some différents basics questions

I/ how to  delete observations?

I have inserted a test timeries with bad time values, and I want to delete it
I can't figure out how to destroy observations ?
I have tried by deleting specimen data structure, but it doesn't work

curl -X DELETE 'http://localhost/istsos/wa/istsos/services/emso/specimens/OXYGEN'
{"success": true, "message": "Specimen(s) not found!"}

where emso is a service , and oxygen is a procedure
and so  I don't understand what is a "specimen" ?

thanks to tell me if it is possible and  how to delete a timeserie in a procedure ?

II/ selecting and editing values

in the data editor, I would want to select some bad values and giving them a code quality of 0 wrong value, or modify them with nearest good value

so i don't succeed with the calculator to say :
select salinity <28 and give a quality code of 0
select salinity <28 and modify it with the calculator

in the calculator for a given procedure  I select the "<" operator
and then "CR" and nothing happens... the selection doesn't work

how to do that ?

many thanks to your help


Pantelis Chatzikonstantinou

May 28, 2021, 6:33:48 AM5/28/21
Hello Maurice,
I believe the easiest way would be to use adminer / phpmyadmin if you are on a linux system, or Database Browser Portable if you are on a windows system.


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Massimiliano Cannata

May 28, 2021, 6:55:35 AM5/28/21
Dear All,
istsos allows to overwrite data with an insert observation request using the custom parameter forceInsert=true
The beginPosition and endPosition will define the period overwrite, if you post a request with period but no data you will delete the existing data in the set period of the request.

The specimen is a type of data derived from laboratory analysis, so it allows to save specific metadata for indicating the analysis type, the sample location, etc...
Don't know if it is used in your case...


Massimiliano Cannata

Professore SUPSI in ingegneria Geomatica

Responsabile settore Geomatica

Istituto scienze della Terra

Dipartimento ambiente costruzione e design

Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana

Campus Mendrisio, Via Francesco Catenazzi 23

CH – 6850 Mendrisio

Tel. +41 (0)58 666 62 14

Fax +41 (0)58 666 62 09

maurice Libes

May 31, 2021, 4:43:27 AM5/31/21
to istSOS
thank you massimiliano

when you say

>The beginPosition and endPosition will define the period overwrite, if you post a request with period but no data you will delete the existing data in the set period of the request.

I am not yet very familiar  with POST requests
may I have an example of the "post request" please, with begin and end position ..and the custom parameter forceInsert=true
So I will better understand the syntax and how it works

without that I am sure I will be wrong

Have I to write a POST request or may I use the script to make this deletion?
giving an empty file to the script csv2istsos ?

II/ I don't know if this solution is written in the documentation but I have n't see it
if not, may I suggest to make a chapter "how to delete observation"?

many thanks

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