Hare Prabhus,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
While matching up Srila Prabhupada's MP3 audio files with the VedaBase I have come across a number of mistakes, which I want to bring to your attention.
The following Bhagavad-gita lecture
is very badly transcribed in the VedaBase and needs an overhaul. There are so many mistakes and omissions if we compare it to the audio, especially some 11 minutes into the audio. Following are just some examples in the original context. The portions missing in the VedaBase are in square brackets:
Now you utilize this form of life to make a solution [to the problem. Don't die. Before death comes you make a solution.] Don’t die like cats and dogs.” No.
“One who dies after attempting to make a solution to the problems, he is brahmana.” SHOULD BE [of] the problems.
Missing portion altogether: [So this Krishna consciousness movement is for this purpose, to make a solution of all the problems of life]
Missing word: [What] do you think, our Austrian friend?
Missing portion: [He is from Austria. Very good. So you try to understand this Krishna consciousness movement and just start a Centre in your country. No chance? Why not.] They are also human being. Why not? ... SHOULD BE "There are also human being. Otherwise it reads the people of Austria, THEY are also human being.
A large portion of the transcript is missing at the end of this lecture. Normally I encounter so many problems with the edited audio itself. What is relatively new is the mistakes in the VedaBase. I had recently another class with mistakes in the VedaBase. These things come increasingly to light when comparing the audio with the VedaBase. They need to be corrected, especially as the Vanipedia progresses and certainly if a new version of the VedaBase is contemplated. I would imagine it is difficult to re-do thousands of quotes in the Vanipedia once the audio and the VedaBase are completely matched up.
Please let me know if there is anything I can do to spot and perhaps help to rectify this sort of problems.
Your servant in the service of Srila Prabhupada,
Gauranga Sundara dasa
It may well be that the transcriber simply made a mistake, something that conditioned souls are prone to doing, minus assumption that they "obviously thought that Srila Prabhupdada had made a mistake."
Once Srila Prabhupada's works are properly set up in a relational
database, many other possibilities open up for research, data mining,
faster searches, etc. The Folio format is a dinosaur that dates back
to the days of DOS. A fully web-enabled vedabase would be awesome.
That's my 2 paisa for what it's worth. Sorry I am not able to
contribute more time to this; just got a new job here in Austin...
Hare Krishna Pratyatosa Prabhu
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhuapda!
The thing is the Vedanase has never been checked.
There are many, many problems with the transcriptions and also some of
the tapes are edited.
Archives never put the time in to check these things.
Your servant
Madhudvisa dada
Hare Krishna Pratyatosa Prabhu
The thing is the Vedanase has never been checked.
There are many, many problems with the transcriptions and also some of
the tapes are edited.
Archives never put the time in to check these things.
Your servant
Madhudvisa dasa
Someone told me that some of Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami's works were added to the folio database. Is this correct? "The more I chant, the drier it gets" ... "I have to battle constantly with doubts that Krishna is a myth" ... "I am the guru of pills" ... "I am reading poems written by Salvador Dali's homosexual lover about 'the cockroach who falls in love with a butterfly' " ... "reading poems while listening to Dizzie Gillespie music"... "I am now consulting with Narayana Maharaja" ... "Sanitorium, A Love Story (about SDG's illicit relations with Pranada)" this needs to be read by others? And why is the current BBT writer and editor Jayadvaita promoting these materials as bona fide in every single ISKCON temple in the world? And even if this is not formally part of the folio, informally it is because his writings are sold side by
side with Srila Prabhupada's everywhere in ISKCON. ys pd |
It was obvious to me a while back that it all has to be done over. As soon as loyal followers can regain possession of the Vani, they can oversee the project of putting it together properly. From scratch. The beginning. With a clear plan. And serious oversight. With no sudra like cheaters or wishy washy sentimentalists on the team of transcribers. Brahmanas and their choice of loyal clerks for any clerk like duties to be delegated. Lots of service for the future. For now, we use the hodgepodge to the best of our ability and accept reality for what it is. Changed and distorted. What we have to date is more than just "a little fault in every endeavor". It borders on gross incompetence. |
It was obvious to me a while back that it all has to be done over.
According to the examples that Pratyatosa and Rammohan just gave, all "finished product" needs to be GONE OVER FROM BEGINNING TO END. This is pretty close to being DONE OVER. Especially considering that new technology or techiniques may exist to improve upon the structure of the "finshed products" making them more user friendly. |
I don't think you and I are ever going to be appreciated or respected in Iskcon circles, neither in "reform minus DVD circles". We will never gain popularity while Monsanto can still feed neophytes via their supermarkets and government food (sic) bins. I have some old habits that are hard to break, but at least they were not created based on twisting the instructions of a Mahabhagavat to support my lifestyle and then calling it exemplary devotional service. Of course given the latest MAJOR psych op in Arizona, and the public admission that the magnetic poles of the earth are actually swiftly shifting, global mass wildlife die-offs, the now admitted death of the gulf of mexico, etc... I think you and I may be taken more seriously by sincerely unmovitvated folks quite shortly. The fakers, shills, and Iskcon establishment hacks will get what they really want and deserve simultaneously. What that is I cannot predict for it is above my paygrade, but I am sure it will be distasteful to sane gentle people. I remember some quote about the most obnoxious place in the universe. Doesn't sound like a nice place to visit for anyone less than Narada Muni. Tick tock. |
This is probably true but still those who are most faithful to Prabhupada are in the best position in the universe, as humble as a blade of grass and lower than the straw in the street. It may not appear like it on the surface but that is the best position in the universe to be in. There is no government in the Kali-yuga to punish the Kali-chelas, upstart mental speculators who want to kill guru to become guru etc. So who knows how long it will go on but it does say in the Bible the meek will inherit the Earth. I am not a big fan of the Bible in comparison to Srimad Bhagavatam etc. but the supersoul was dictating the Bible on some level as well so I like the notion that the meek will inherit the Earth. It goes along well with this quote from Srimad Bhagavatam 9.24.59: TRANSLATION Although the demons who take possession of the government are dressed like men of government, they do not know the duty of the government. Consequently, by the arrangement of God, such demons, who possess great military strength, fight with one another, and thus the great burden of demons on the surface of the earth is reduced. The demons increase their military power by the will of the Supreme, so that their numbers will be diminished and the devotees will have a chance to advance in Kṛṣṇa consciousness. PURPORT As stated in Bhagavad-gītā (4.8), paritrāṇāya sādhūnāḿ vināśāya ca duṣkṛtām. The sādhus, the devotees of the Lord, are always eager to advance the cause of Kṛṣṇa consciousness so that the conditioned souls may be released from the bondage of birth and death. But the asuras, the demons, impede the advancement of the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement, and therefore Kṛṣṇa arranges occasional fights between different asuras who are very much interested in increasing their military power. The duty of the government or king is not to increase military power unnecessarily; the real duty of the government is to see that the people of the state advance in Kṛṣṇa consciousness. For this purpose, Kṛṣṇa says in Bhagavad-gītā (4.13), cātur-varṇyaḿ mayā sṛṣṭaḿ guṇa-karma-vibhāgaśaḥ: "According to the three modes of material nature and the work ascribed to them, the four divisions of human society were created by Me." There should be an ideal class of men who are bona fide brāhmaṇas, and they should be given all protection. Namo brahmaṇya-devāya go-brāhmaṇa-hitāya ca. Kṛṣṇa is very fond of brāhmaṇas and cows, The brāhmaṇas promulgate the cause of advancement in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, and the cows give enough milk to maintain the body in the mode of goodness. The kṣatriyas and the government should be advised by the brāhmaṇas. Next, the vaiśyas should produce enough foodstuffs, and the śūdras, who cannot do anything beneficial on their own, should serve the three higher classes (the brāhmaṇas, kṣatriyas and vaiśyas). This is the arrangement of the Supreme Personality of Godhead so that the conditioned souls will be released from the material condition and return home, back to Godhead. This is the purpose of Kṛṣṇa's descent on the surface of the earth (paritrāṇāya sādhūnāḿ vināśāya ca duṣkṛtām [Bg. 4.8]). Everyone must understand Kṛṣṇa's activities (janma karma ca me divyam [Bg. 4.9]). If one understands the purpose of Kṛṣṇa's coming to this earth and performing His activities, one is immediately liberated. This liberation is the purpose of the creation and Kṛṣṇa's descent upon the surface of the earth. Demons are very much interested in advancing a plan by which people will labor hard like cats, dogs and hogs, but Kṛṣṇa's devotees want to teach Kṛṣṇa consciousness so that people will be satisfied with plain living and Kṛṣṇa conscious advancement. Although demons have created many plans for industry and hard labor so that people will work day and night like animals, this is not the purpose of civilization. Such endeavors are jagato'hitaḥ; that is, they are meant for the misfortune of the people in general. Kṣayāya: such activities lead to annihilation. One who understands the purpose of Kṛṣṇa, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, should seriously understand the importance of the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement and seriously take part in it. One should not endeavor for ugra-karma, or unnecessary work for sense gratification. Nūnaḿ pramattaḥ kurute vikarma yad indriya-prītaya āpṛṇoti (Bhāg. 5.5.4). Simply for sense gratification, people make plans for material happiness. Māyā-sukhāya bharam udvahato vimūḍhān (Bhāg. 7.9.43). They do this because they are all vimūḍhas, rascals. For flickering happiness, people waste their human energy, not understanding the importance of the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement but instead accusing the simple devotees of brainwashing. Demons may falsely accuse the preachers of the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement, but Kṛṣṇa will arrange a fight between the demons in which all their military power will be engaged and both parties of demons will be annihilated. --- On Sun, 1/9/11, mark mclaughlin <markm...@yahoo.com> wrote: |
28. Concerning "Arr_LON_1969-09-11_I_Teach_What_You_Have_Forgotten.mp3/690911AR.LON" (<http://causelessmercy.com/a/?AK=an&SN=52&TP=2736>), "Krsna consciousness" was transcribed as "God consciousness." Weird, isn't it?
29. Concerning "Arr_LON_1969-09-11_I_Teach_What_You_Have_Forgotten.mp3/690911AR.LON" (<http://causelessmercy.com/a/?AK=an&SN=108&TP=2736>), "That is the system of sannyasa. A sannyasi cannot meet his wife again. That is renouncement. Renouncement means renouncing connection with woman or renouncing sex life. That is renouncement." was transcribed simply as "That is the system of sannyasa." (The last 4 sentences were omitted.)
Your servant, Pratyatosa Dasa
Geneva, June 6, 1974
Yogesvara: [...] The people move to the cities and as a result of this push there are so many problems in the cities. Do you recommend in this plan to have land, where.. that we shun technology?
Prabhupada: There is no need of technology. What is the use of technology? But even if you don't want, there will be cripples who are interested in technology.
So, we do not waste our time, let them do that. We are concerned for Krishna consciousness. We should not waste our time for technology.
Yogesvara: In other words, are we simply trying to set an example……
Prabhupada: We cannot waste our time in any other way. Our only business is, how to advance in Krishna consciousness. That is our business.
Yogesvara: There was one politician I spoke to in India, in Jaipur. He is in charge of a political party. He said that 80% of the people in India live in the villages. And the program of this party was to increase the technology on the farms. And as a result of this so many people would be forced to leave the farms and not work on the farms and they would have so many problems already in the cities, this would increase the problems in the cities many, many times over. Increase the technology on the farms…?
Prabhupada: What is that technology?
Yogesvara: Like tractors. Instead of people having to cut down the wheat they have machines to come along with this. Cut down the wheat. And instead of having bullocks to pull the plow, they have a tractor. To cut down the wheat. Would the people be forced into the cities?
Prabhupada: Of course, there are machine facilities, but, in India so many men are unemployed that to introduce machine this is not a good proposal. Instead of cutting with a machine, if they cut by hand, they have employment.
Everyone is employed. Machine means 100 men's work done by one machine. But why there are so many unemployed? Why not engage 100 men instead of one machine? Here also, there are so many unemployed in the Western countries. In one sense, machine creates unemployment. Just like because in your Western countries … everything is on machine, therefore you are creating so many hippies. That is also another kind of unemployment, everyone should be employed.
Otherwise, it will be devil's workshop.
Idle brain is devil's workshop. So, when there are so many people without any engagement, why there should be machine?
Machine is not good. One machine means to make another 100 men unemployed. The policy should be – nobody should be unemployed. Everyone should be busy.
Yogesvara: On the other hand, they say, machines are freeing us from so many….
Prabhupada: Freeing from what, for drinking wine and indulging in nonsense policy. What is the meaning of this freedom?
If you are made free for cultivating Krishna consciousness that is another thing. Even coming to our Krishna consciousness camp, they are sleeping.
This camp is not made for eating and sleeping. But for cultivating Krishna.
So anywhere, here and there, the policy should be, that everyone is employed. Everyone is busy. Then there will be nice civilization. If everyone is busy then he cannot cultivate something rascaldom.
That is Vedic civilization. It is the duty of the king to see, that everyone is working. Either as a brahmana, ksatriya, or as a sudra.
Everyone is working. Then there is peace.
At the present moment we can see that on account of this machine there is unemployment and lazy fellow.
What do you think – these hippies are lazy, that's all. They don't want to do anything. What do you think? One side laziness and one side unemployment. This is not a very good situation. Everyone should be employed. There is a verse in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 3.8)..… in India we have seen, many villagers come and they request one shopkeeper or any gentleman, please give me some work, I don't want salary. If you like you can give me to eat. Otherwise I don't want that also.
Who is that gentlemen, if you work at my place, I won't give you to eat?
Immediately he gets some occupation, simply on the basis of eating only. So he gets shelter. So when he's working and the man sees he's working very nicely, alright you take some salary. So therefore they say that instead of unemployment it is better to work without salary or without any regular employment. This is very good principle. Nobody should be allowed to remain lazy without any work. That is a very dangerous position. Modern civilization on account of the machine there is so much unemployment and so many lazzies also. So this is not good. It is not freedom, it is rather freeway to hell, that's all.
It is not freedom. Everyone should be engaged in work according to his capacity.
If you have got better intelligence you may be employed as a brahmana. Do the work of brahmana, study sastras and write books, give knowledge to others, teach others. That is brahmana's business.
And you don't bother for your subsistence, society will supply. Therefore, brahmana they did not work. They are busy with the study of Vedic literature, teaching others and giving knowledge. And society gives them – food. This is brahmana. And ksatriya means to give protection. There will be danger, there will be attack, the ksatriya will protect.
And for that purpose the ksatriya used to levy tax. So their business is to levy tax. Similarly the less intelligent class, the mercantile community, they engage themselves in producing food and giving protection to the cows. These things are required. And rest, sudras, they help other three higher classes. This is natural division. And that is very good. That means everyone is employed. The intelligent class is employed, the managerial class, mercantile class is employed, and the rest sudra, they are also employed. So there is no, I mean to say, forming party, political party, and fighting, there was no such thing. The king was the supervisor to see that everyone is engaged and everyone is engaged actually in their respective duties so they have no time to form false political parties and make agitation and fight one another. There is no such chance. [...]
While I appreciate the audio/visual transcription idea, I witnessed errors in translation the other day. Combine this with the errors in transcription, and we still have somewhat of a status quo. The train continues to roll right past every station where a competent manager/supervisor could board it and begin the oversight/organization of talent in order to insure a proper finished product. The principle transcribers in this scenario have all acted independently while occasionally giving constructive criticism to each other's projects AFTER THE PROJECT WAS MOSTLY COMPLETED. It would be nice to see the principles consult one another and choose someone outside the group who they consider a competent enough elder with management skills to act as an unbiased overseer from here on in. Apply the brakes to the train, allow the manager on board, and then let him help with the steering. A macromanager, not a micromanager. The fact is that by nature, a person who gains one or more technological skills NEEDS to be part of a team with oversight, because by virtue of focusing one's conscious attention on gaining and also IMPLEMENTING a narrow but essential skillset, they cannot simultaneously spend the time necessary to oversee 10 other fully engaged devotees with varying skillsets. A competent managerial type has the intellect to quickly grasp the essence of the various technological skills required to execute a project without being fully trained in those skills. The manager is already trained in detail with the skill of managing such diverse types of endeavors, and thus can come on board at any point in a project, come up to speed, and utilize their management skills to give macro direction to the labor involved. This allows the labor to act freely and independently without heavy micromanagement, due to the expert big picture guidance of the competent manager. |
>The words sound to me like
>"porasum nisu."
Perhaps "paurusam nrsu," Bg. 7.8.
--ys, js