כנס פרוגרסיבי מקוון על ההיסטוריה של רשומות וארכיונים - הרשמה פתוחה לכולם (אנגלית, 6 עד 8 לנובמבר)

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chairperson דודו אמיתי AIA

Nov 4, 2024, 10:40:07 AM11/4/24
to הארכיונאי הישראלי

With a possible tropical storm approaching Jamaica later this week, Kingston on flood watch, and the possibility of flight cancellations, out of an abundance of caution, the organisers of ICHORA have decided to move the conference fully online.


To register for the online conference, please use the following links:


Register for Wednesday


Register for Thursday


Register for Friday


There is no registration fee. The schedule will remain the same, with all times expressed in Eastern Standard Time.


We’re very sorry that we won’t have the opportunity to meet in person, and we apologise for the disruption to travel plans, but the organisers believe this is the safest course of action given the unpredictable weather.





Dr. James Lowry (he/him)


Chair and Director, Information Studies, Queens College

Ellen Libretto and Adam Conrad Endowed Chair in Information Studies

Faculty, M.A. Program in Digital Humanities, Graduate Center

City University of New York 


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