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טיפונת רשמים מכנס useR!2019

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Tal Galili

Jul 16, 2019, 11:00:25 AM7/16/19
כמה דברים שכתבתי לעצמי סביב הכנס R משבוע שעבר.
זו רשימה מאד לא ממצא, אבל מקווה שזה יתן לכם כמה רעיונות לדברים מעניינים לקרוא ולהסתכל עליהם עוד.

You can see materials from the various tutorials here: Tutorials I took:
  • Di’s Visualising high-dimensional data, see: The beginning is playing around with ggplot2 (was nice, but nothing particularly new). The one thing which was new to me was the tourr R package for grand tour visualization. I’ve heard about it before, but she also talked a bit about how to interpret the tour (look at the way in which the data points move together, or not, to identify clusters and extreme points). This insight was new to me, and interesting.
  • Marco’s bnlearn tutorial (on probabilistic graphical models). It was much less handson, and very much an overview. All in all, it was helpful and interesting introduction to his work on bnlearn for the past 10 years. He has removed his slides from his website, but I’ve uploaded them to my dropbox, and you can grab them from here:
During the rest of the conference I’ve attended various sessions and talks. The keynotes talks were definitely the best part. You can download the slides to them all from here (they’ll also probably upload videos of the sessions within a week): Some highlights (I mention talks that I attended and found interesting, there are more interesting talks in the schedule link above!):
I very much enjoyed the conference, and especially getting to talk to many many people (there were ~1200 people this year) about R and in general. One theme that I asked people about was R vs Python, and it sounds like (at least for the people who came, which is a very biased sample), they have a lot of faith in R and intend to keep using it moving forward for many years to come.

Jonathan Rosenblatt

Jul 16, 2019, 3:50:34 PM7/16/19

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Jonathan Rosenblatt
Dept. of Industrial Engineering and Management
Ben Gurion University of the Negev

Jonathan Sidi

Jul 17, 2019, 11:35:09 AM7/17/19
to Israel R User Group
dplyr vs data.table didn’t come up? :)

Jonathan Rosenblatt

Jul 17, 2019, 11:49:29 AM7/17/19
Why would that come up?
Data.table obviously :-)

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amit gal

Jul 17, 2019, 12:22:49 PM7/17/19

Jonathan Sidi

Jul 17, 2019, 12:23:56 PM7/17/19
to Israel R User Group
Have you read the documentation? 

Most people hate it without trying to understand it.

I hate data.table :-)

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Jonathan Rosenblatt
Dept. of Industrial Engineering and Management
Ben Gurion University of the Negev

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amit gal

Jul 17, 2019, 12:27:25 PM7/17/19
you may have your wild guess now :)

I hate data.table :-)

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Jonathan Rosenblatt
Dept. of Industrial Engineering and Management
Ben Gurion University of the Negev

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Michael Dorman

Jul 17, 2019, 5:13:34 PM7/17/19
I don't like either of them :-) but when speed really matters prefer data.table

Amit Fliess

Jul 18, 2019, 1:56:18 AM7/18/19
to Israel R User Group

בתאריך יום רביעי, 17 ביולי 2019 בשעה 19:22:49 UTC+3, מאת Amit Gal:
I hate data.table :-)

On Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 6:49 PM Jonathan Rosenblatt <> wrote:
Why would that come up?
Data.table obviously :-)
On Wed, 17 Jul 2019 at 18:35 Jonathan Sidi <> wrote:
dplyr vs data.table didn’t come up? :)

On Tuesday, July 16, 2019 at 11:00:25 AM UTC-4, Tal Galili wrote:
כמה דברים שכתבתי לעצמי סביב הכנס R משבוע שעבר.
זו רשימה מאד לא ממצא, אבל מקווה שזה יתן לכם כמה רעיונות לדברים מעניינים לקרוא ולהסתכל עליהם עוד.

You can see materials from the various tutorials here: Tutorials I took:
  • Di’s Visualising high-dimensional data, see: The beginning is playing around with ggplot2 (was nice, but nothing particularly new). The one thing which was new to me was the tourr R package for grand tour visualization. I’ve heard about it before, but she also talked a bit about how to interpret the tour (look at the way in which the data points move together, or not, to identify clusters and extreme points). This insight was new to me, and interesting.
  • Marco’s bnlearn tutorial (on probabilistic graphical models). It was much less handson, and very much an overview. All in all, it was helpful and interesting introduction to his work on bnlearn for the past 10 years. He has removed his slides from his website, but I’ve uploaded them to my dropbox, and you can grab them from here:
During the rest of the conference I’ve attended various sessions and talks. The keynotes talks were definitely the best part. You can download the slides to them all from here (they’ll also probably upload videos of the sessions within a week): Some highlights (I mention talks that I attended and found interesting, there are more interesting talks in the schedule link above!):
  • You don't need Spark for this - larger-than-RAM data manipulation with disk.frame - (I’ve heard from the developer of the ff package that he thinks this package could probably replace his in the future. It depends on the fst package from FB)
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Jonathan Rosenblatt
Dept. of Industrial Engineering and Management
Ben Gurion University of the Negev

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