[PHILOS-L] JOB/STUDY: PhD Level Researcher/Student in Environmental Ethics at CETE-P

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Petr Urban

Jun 20, 2024, 9:33:53 PM (13 days ago) Jun 20
to PHIL...@liverpool.ac.uk

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0,5 FTE PhD Level Researcher in environmental ethics at CETE-P


This position at CETE-P must be combined with PhD study in “Philosophy” at the University of Pardubice (Centre for Ethics) under supervision of Iwona Janicka – tuition free, monthly stipend, summer 2024 entrance exam (expected application deadline: end of July 2024)


CETE-P – a newly created research center based at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences, established in collaboration with the ERA Chair Holder prof. Mark Coeckelbergh, and funded by the European Union – is seeking to appoint a PhD Level Researcher with focus on environmental ethics (broadly considered). Since the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Science is a non-university research institution, the position is to be combined with PhD study of Philosophy at the University of Pardubice (Centre for Ethics) under supervision of Iwona Janicka (CETE-P Research Team Leader).


Qualification requirements

·       Finished MA in philosophy or ethics before the application deadline
·       PhD project in environmental ethics (preferably in one of the areas specified below)
·       Readiness to relocate to the Czech Republic and study the PhD program “Philosophy” at the University of Pardubice (Centre for Ethics)
·       Fluent oral and written academic English 
·       Excellent communication skills


Preferred areas of PhD project

·       Gender and environment (especially ecofeminism)
·       Political ecology and more-than-human approaches
·       Affect and ecology
·       Environmental activism
·       Interrelations of ecology and emerging technologies 


We offer

·       Half-time research position with no teaching and low administrative obligations
·       Contract for 3 years, with a 3-month probation period 
·       Salary approximately CZK 250.000 per annum (gross, halftime), which will be combined with extra stipend paid from the University of Pardubice (about CZK 12.000 per month)
·       Office space located in the historical center of Prague 
·       Assistance with the application process for the PhD study in Pardubice


The successful candidate for this post will commence duties preferably on 1 October 2024, or as soon as possible thereafter.


The application with attachments must be submitted via email on 5 July 2024 (11:59pm) at the latest to Petr Urban at ur...@flu.cas.cz.

Contact information

To explore the vacancy further or for any queries you may have, please contact Petr Urban at ur...@flu.cas.cz.

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Petr Urban

Jun 27, 2024, 3:50:38 PM (7 days ago) Jun 27
to PHIL...@liverpool.ac.uk

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The Center for Environmental and Technology Ethics - Prague (CETE-P) – funded by the EU Horizon Europe programme ERA Chairs and based at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences – is seeking to appoint a Postdoctoral Researcher to a research-only position in environmental ethics (broadly considered), with a preference for a person who can combine environmental philosophy with philosophy of technology.


Qualified candidates must have research competence at the level of Postdoctoral Researcher / Assistant Professor and be willing to relocate to Prague. This is an exciting opportunity for collaboration in a vibrant and collegial international community of researchers and PhD candidates in one of the world’s most charming cities.


The successful candidate is expected to work as a core member of the CETE-P research team in collaboration with the CETE-P Research Team Leader Iwona Janicka and the ERA Chair Mark Coeckelbergh, initiate and conduct high-quality research, acquire external research funding, supervise PhD candidates, conduct outreach and networking activities and carry out other duties in accordance with CETE-P’s needs.


Qualification requirements

·      PhD in philosophy/ethics or a closely related discipline awarded before the application deadline

·      Continuous, high-quality research activity pertaining to environmental philosophy (proven track record)

·      Documented experience and ability to build international networks

·      Fluent oral and written communication skills in English

We offer

·      Full-time research position with no teaching and low administrative obligations

·      Contract for 3 years (with a 3-month probation period)

·      Salary approx. CZK 900,000 per annum (gross)

·      Professionally stimulating work environment

·      Office space located in the historical centre of Prague (Celetná street)

·      Professional administrative and academic support


The successful candidate will commence duties preferably on 1 November 2024, or as soon as possible thereafter.


How to apply

The application must include:

·      Cover Letter (2-3 pages)

·      Research Plan for three years in relation to CETE-P (2 pages), describing the postdoctoral research project and any related research activities

·      CV (max. 4 pages)

·      List of Publications

·      One sample of writing (preferably a published article or chapter in environmental philosophy)

·      Contact details for three academic references (name, position, relation to candidate, email and phone number)

·      Please note that all documents should be in English


The application with attachments must be delivered via email by 26 August 2024, 23:59 CEST to Petra Zakostelecka at zakost...@flu.cas.cz

For more information check out the full text of the advert on our website: https://cetep.eu/news/cete-p-vacancy-postdoctoral-researcher-in-environmental-ethics/

Contact information

To explore the vacancy further or for any queries you may have, please contact Petr Urban at ur...@flu.cas.cz.

Petr Urban

Jul 2, 2024, 2:00:17 PM (2 days ago) Jul 2
to PHIL...@liverpool.ac.uk

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0,5 FTE PhD Level Researcher in environmental ethics at CETE-P - Deadline only 5 July!


This position at CETE-P must be combined with PhD study in “Philosophy” at the University of Pardubice (Centre for Ethics) under supervision of Iwona Janicka – tuition free, monthly stipend, summer 2024 entrance exam (application deadline in Pardubice 31 July 2024)

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