Fwd: Re: Where I think we are...

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Ludovic Hirlimann

Nov 26, 2009, 1:45:40 PM11/26/09
to ISP Configuration Database
Sorry I wanted to reply to the list not davida ...

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Where I think we are...
Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2009 10:44:10 -0800
From: David Ascher <das...@mozillamessaging.com>
To: Ludovic Hirlimann <ludovic....@gmail.com>

On 11/26/09 10:33 AM, Ludovic Hirlimann wrote:
On 26/11/09 19:23, David Ascher wrote:
An update on where we stand, and what I think are some of the big next steps.

0) We have a bunch of good work going on closing release blockers.  Thanks everyone!

1) we have some work that Rob Mueller is taking a first stab at to implement a web service that given a domain, does a DNS MX record lookup, and returns a configuration, if the ISP for that domain has done the right setup.  The tracking bug is 527802.  Rob, can you put up your first cut at the code on that bug, along w/ a description of what it does?

2) We should do a similar domain query service for google apps for your domain.  The test there is a little gross, but at least it's simple.  Given a domain foo.com, look at google.com/a/foo.com.  If the page you're redirected to has a Username/Password form, return a suitably tweaked config for the google apps configuration.  Otherwise, the domain isn't hosted by GoogleAppsForYourDomain.  It'd be good if there was a more real API for that, but I don't think there is.  I don't have a bug filed for that yet, I figured I'd wait until we got agreement on this whole scheme first.

Wouldn't that be covered by bug 490234 and bug 491543 ?

7) We have some submissions of autoconfig files from Kohei (MoCo Japan), which would be good to include in the live DB soon if we can.  That would likely cover most ISPs in Japan!

Shall we review them or just comit these to svn ?

Ideally it'd be good to sanity check them, in part because it'd be some data to use to test the sanity-checking script. 

Once in svn do we want to have these added into the DB too ?

I think we do want the ISPDB to know about the domains that are being published, yes.  There's an import function that does that.


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