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ISOBlue2 Test Image

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Yang Wang

Jul 24, 2017, 12:29:53 PM7/24/17
to ISOBlue
Hello all,

I uploaded an ISOBlue2 test image. You can download it from here.

You can make a flashable microSD card by using:

dd bs=4M if=isoblue2.img of=/dev/your_sdcard_dir status=progress

Once you have a Toradex Apalis module, Ixora motherboard, and the flashable microSD card, you should be able to follow these instructions to flash the ISOBlue2 image onto your board.

The test image contains everything the current deployed ISOBlue2s have. It would try to collect CAN frames, GPS data, and other debug information and upload them to a configured location in the Cloud. At the same time, it will store all the CAN frames, GPS data (if any) locally on a SSD (or any storage unit). You need to plug in the SSD for storing all the data; otherwise, the data are not collected.

The data uploading scheme requires a secure ssh tunnel so even if your ISOBlue2 is online, it cannot upload to my Cloud since your ISOBlue2 cannot establish a secure ssh connection with my Cloud.
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