> On 2020-08-27 00:05, Yang Wang wrote:
> Hello Göran,
> I am cross-posting to ISOBlue Google Group to continue our
> conversation.
> The bigger picture on ISOBlue with Avena is encapsulated in the
> architecture figure of this document
> <
https://github.com/OATS-Group/isoblue-avena/tree/master/docs>. In
> short, we hope to create an ag machinery sensor hub/ecosystem.
> Sensors provide data streams. Services are written to back up data,
> push data to Cloud, do edge computing, etc.
In my opinion it would *not* be a good idea to push the complete CAN datastream
to the "cloud".
In an machine there is a _lot_ going on that you are _not_ interested in.
The CAN bus itself is a message buss and contains all sort of communications
between all units. Ant that could be a lot of them. So before starting
to collect data you must set upp some sort of filter and _then_ start
collect data.
And the idea behind the CAN buss is "problem separation". Eatch node on the
CAN unit does one thing and do that thing well. I belive that a monitoring
system should follow this paradigm. Not to cram all kind of functionality
into one linux box.
> How services are written
> is up to the user. For example, if you only need yield data, you will
> write a service that parse yield data out from the CAN stream and do
> whatever you want with it.
And this is also a problem. The CAN-stream from a agricultural machine
is encoded as ISO11783-10 messages. And this is a quite large "application"
protocol and _not_ easy to decode.
> In terms of price, for a complete last gen ISOBlue unit, it costs
> about $1000. However, with the Avena stack, this might get much
> cheaper or expensive depending on what you need to achieve. Since
> Avena aims to be as generic as possible, you could probably install
> it on a Raspberry Pi to do some basic logging. However, if your goal
> is to do video processing on the fly, a more powerful (expensive)
> solution should be considered.
On a agricultural machine there is a lot of power. And there
is lot of space. If you are planing to use a Unix (Linux) system
there is no need for a Rasberry. You could go for a industrial computer.
You could use a CAN interface to this and an ordinary USB stick for GSM
> For your comments on parsing CAN logs, there are a number of existing
> solutions (1 <
https://github.com/eerimoq/cantools>, 2
> <
https://github.com/jmagnuson/canparse>, 3> <
https://github.com/commaai/opendbc>, 4
> <
https://github.com/dschanoeh/Kayak>) targeting road vehicles. The
> trick is to generate dbc files - a file that stores message
> definitions. These dbc files are typically not machine agnostic;
> meaning that you will probably need a number of these files across
> different machines and brands. We are pretty good at logging CAN from
> machines; parsing CAN is an area we also want to tackle on.
Yes - and this is precise the problem. Most of the projects you list are
for ordinary cars or trucks. Most car manufacturer have there own application
protocol. And that for a good reason. If you know the application protocol
you could also inject data and by that havoc the engine.
And I found no parsing of ISO11783.
> Related to GeodataFarm, we have similar tools in OpenATK
> <
https://github.com/OpenATK>. TrialsTracker
> <
https://github.com/OpenATK/TrialsTracker> and ISOBlueApp
> <
https://github.com/OpenATK/ISOBlueApp> (live app
> <
https://openatk.com/ISOBlueApp/>) is related to ISOBlue. They serve
> to visualize both real-time and historic data (GPS, yield, etc.). The
> backend is powered by our own OADA API <
> These works are actively maintained.
Ok. I will look at this.
> Also thanks for your catch on the dependency error. We are slowly
> moving away from using Kafka in logging CAN to a more compact
> solution using just candump
> <
In my opinion the parser of data should be as close to the CAN bus as possible.
Ofcourse this needs some sort of configuration before eatch run. But to store
a compleat CAN-stream would be overkill. So in Unix pipe lingo this
will be.
CAN-unit | socketcan/can-card | ISO11783-filter (c-program) | local storage (SSD) | transport(GSM) | longtime storage (Postgresql)
> This is quite a bit of information but hopefully they will help you
> guys out. We definitely would like to collaborate on creating a CAN
> parser. We have quite a bit of past CAN logs to play with. Let us
> know what you think.
Yes. And I hope I can contribute to your project.
// GH
>> <mailto:
gor...@raditex.nu> <mailto:
>> <mailto:
gor...@raditex.nu>>> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am interested in your ISO-Blue project. I tried to read on the
>> isoblue-avena homepage (GitHub) but did not understand the
>> relation between
>> isoblue and avena?
>> I checked out hte git but did not fine any source code...
>> How to proceed?
>> // GH
>> --
>> Göran Hasse
>> email:
gor...@raditex.nu <mailto:
>> <mailto:
gor...@raditex.nu <mailto:
> 070 5530148 mail:
gor...@raditex.nu <mailto:
Mobil: 070-5530148