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Building IsoBlue 2.0 with parts of 1.0

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Ludovic Robert

Aug 1, 2018, 7:46:15 AM8/1/18
to ISOBlue

I was very interested by Isoblue from the beginning of the project and started building an Isoblue 1.0.
Is there any part of the first version that I can use for the new version ?
Can I install the software on a BeagleBone for example ?


Yang Wang

Aug 1, 2018, 10:19:36 PM8/1/18
to ISOBlue
Hi Ludovic,

Thank you for your interest in ISOBlue!

Is there any part of the first version that I can use for the new version ?

Most of the software written for the first ISOBlue are not built for ISOBlue 2.0. On the first ISOBlue, Alex wrote an low-level ISOBUS kernel module and other software are written based around it. I don't think these software will work on ISOBlue 2.0 at all.

Can I install the software on a BeagleBone for example ?

By "the software", do you mean the ISOBlue 2.0's software? The two platforms have very different hardware and some software are hardware specific. In addition, some Java binaries for Kafka require quite a bit of processing power from the CPU; therefore, a Beaglebone Black probably cannot handle it.

Let me know if you have more questions.

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