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Can loopback on Ixora

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Rifo Turs

Oct 2, 2017, 1:57:15 PM10/2/17
to ISOBlue

Following the isoblue repository, I have copied the udev rules and have successfully generated "imp" and "tra" under ifconfig.  I have connected can_H , can_L pins of Canbus 1 and canbus 2.

I tried making a loopback with cansend (via imp) and candump (on tra) but can only get 1 byte of data regardless of what I send.

Did you guys try making a loopback between tra and imp? 


Rifo Turs

Oct 3, 2017, 3:26:07 AM10/3/17
to ISOBlue
seems like I used the cansend incorrectly, below combination works fine.

 cansend imp -i 0x18FF2488 0x01 0xFF 0x00 0x10
interface = imp, family = 29, type = 3, proto = 1

root@apalis-imx6:~# candump tra
interface = tra, family = 29, type = 3, proto = 1
<0x488> [4] 01 ff 00 10


2 Ekim 2017 Pazartesi 20:57:15 UTC+3 tarihinde Rifo Turs yazdı:

Yang Wang

Oct 3, 2017, 12:59:11 PM10/3/17
to ISOBlue
Hello Rifo,

The tractor and implement bus on ISOBlue are not set up as loopback interfaces. What do you want to achieve with a loopback between tra and imp?


Rifo Turs

Oct 5, 2017, 12:46:24 AM10/5/17
to ISOBlue
Hello Yang,

Sorry, I think my wording was not right. I was just trying to test the tractor and implement buses before plugging them into a tractor. So my aim was simply to send from tractor interface and receive from implement.
I am now trying to find a tractor so that I can start testing.

between, how you guys doing? Are there new developments?

3 Ekim 2017 Salı 19:59:11 UTC+3 tarihinde Yang Wang yazdı:

Rifo Turs

Oct 7, 2017, 7:26:19 AM10/7/17
to ISOBlue
Hello Yang,

One more thing, I think both tra and imp interfaces also support loopback.

I have 2 consoles

1)   cangen imp
2)   candump imp

I can see generated messages on candump interface. Is this normal?


5 Ekim 2017 Perşembe 07:46:24 UTC+3 tarihinde Rifo Turs yazdı:
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