it would be much easier to understand what you wanted to achieve if you attach a figure
I am not sure what type of "alignment" you wanted to see. if you call iso2mesh v2m with 'cgalmesh' as the meshing method, it does not give you the edge/corner features, instead, the surfaces near edges or corners are slightly rounded. you can set opt.distbound to a smaller value to make the sharper edges more prominent (see the built-in helloworld example)
if you want to mesh sharp features from the volume, you will need to use the surface-based meshing workflow, like we described in Fig. 3 of our brain2mesh paper
an example of meshing a multi-layered cube embedding a cylinder
with sharp edge features, like shown in another of our papers
can be created using the below commands
using surfboolean.m and slice a mesh with a meshabox() created bounding box to create sharp/flat boundaries is another way to create meshes of precise dimensions.
but again, without seeing your plots, it is hard for me know for
certain my above comments was relevant.
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iso2mesh does not have the capability to create meshes that
satisfy periodic condition, neither did it advertise it anywhere.
you will have to use specialized algorithms and tools, I am not aware of any other tool offers this capability except CGAL
please redirect your future question to CGAL's mailing list
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