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Change in Summer Events

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Nov 24, 2008, 2:38:24 PM11/24/08
to isn-announce
Dear ISN friends,

A month ago I sent you preliminary information about our Summer
Seminar and Conference.

I regret cluttering your inbox with another email so soon, but I
thought I should let you know about a scheduling change that may
affect your advanced planing. Unfortunately we have only discovered
more recently that scheduling conflicts for two of our fellows
necessitate pushing the summer events back by one week. They will now
take place June 15-20, 2009. The location is still MIT.

Additionally, you might like to know that we've expanded the theme to
"Reductionism, Emergentism, and Essentialism." More information will
be available on our website in January.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!



John W. Keck, Ph.D.
Director & Fellow
Institute for the Study of Nature
ph: 603-557-2415

From: John Keck
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 3:48 PM
To: John Keck
Subject: Summer Preview, Job Announcements

Dear ISN friends,

The Institute for the Study of Nature’s 2009 Summer Seminar and
Conference will take place at MIT the week of June 8-13. The theme
will of both be “Emergence and Reductionism.” The full schedule and
program will be available on our website by January.

Below are three job announcements that might be of interest to people
sympathetic to the ISN. The first two are links to jobs descriptions
for a philosopher and a chemist at Sacred Heart University in
Fairfield, CT. The third is a full job description for a biologist at
the Nature Institute in rural upstate NY.

I should also let you know that we are in the process of migrating
this list to a Google group. (If you receive this message twice, that
is the reason.) If you want to be certain of remaining on our list,
you can go ahead and add yourself to the group (or manage your group
membership) by following this link; otherwise we’ll go ahead and move
you over ourselves over the next few months.



John W. Keck, Ph.D.
Director & Fellow
Institute for the Study of Nature
ph: 603-557-2415

Chemistry position at SHU:

Philosophy position at SHU:

[More here:]

September 30, 2008

Position Available: Associate Researcher

The Nature Institute is seeking an associate researcher for its
Genetics, Biotechnology, and the Integrity of Life program (http:// Initial focus will be on our
current project concerned with “Nontarget Effects of Genetic
Manipulation” (see

The applicant for this position should have
• An interest in viewing genetics and genetic engineering within
broader organismic, ecological and societal contexts, and in
stimulating public awareness about the issues arising within these
• An interest in the philosophy of science and some familiarity with
The Nature Institute’s phenomenological and contextual approach to
science and a desire to pursue this approach further.
• A solid biology/genetics background that allows him or her to
understand and interpret primary research articles on genetics and
genetic engineering; minimum M.S. in biology (or equiv.), Ph.D.
• Excellent writing skills and computer proficiency.

This is a salaried, full-time position.
Salary is commensurate with experience and qualifications.
Benefits: high deductible medical insurance; dental insurance.

To learn more about The Nature Institute’s overall work and mission,
visit The Nature Institute is a not-for-
profit organization located in rural upstate New York near Albany. New
York City is 100 miles to the south and Boston 120 miles to the

Please send a brief description of why you are interested in the
position, your resumé, and contact information for three references to
Institute director Craig Holdrege (
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