Hello, Islandora!
This spring the Code of Conduct Committee has updated its Incident Response Manual, to help ensure that the committee is able to uphold our Code of Conduct as we work together in inclusive, respectful, collaborative ways.
We need Code of Conduct event volunteers for IslandoraCon 2023! These event volunteers attending IslandoraCon receive orientation to the expectations around the Code of Conduct and incident reporting in case of violations from the current Code of Conduct Committee; their responsibilities at IslandoraCon include upholding our norms for inclusive and respectful communication, and directing other attendees to Code of Conduct and incident reporting resources. (The orientation session will be held via Zoom and scheduled to fit with volunteer availability ahead of IslandoraCon.) If you will be in Toronto for IslandoraCon 2023, please consider volunteering!
We also have openings for volunteers for the Code of Conduct Committee. This team responds to reports of Code of Conduct violations, and helps to establish best practices in training and policy around community safety and inclusivity, especially for events such as IslandoraCon. Training in incident response will be provided for new committee members (pending budget approval).
If either of these roles appeals to you, please email or message Amy/Drew/Julia/Jeffery/Don by May 31 to self-nominate. In accordance with procedures established in our Code of Conduct and Incident Response Manual, we will share the names of prospective committee members and event volunteers with the community at large for any feedback on their ability to serve in a position of trust in the community.
If you have questions, contact Amy Blau or Drew Heles by email or on Slack.
Thanks very much!
on behalf of the Code of Conduct Committee
Jeffery Antoniuk
Amy Blau
Julia Corrin
Drew Heles
Don Richards