Linked Data Lookup Field module now supports taxonomy term auto-creation

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Alexander O'Neill

Jan 3, 2025, 12:55:58 AMJan 3
to islandora
Linked Data Lookup Field ( a module I wrote which provides an autocomplete field widget that can draw data from any API that you can make web requests to that return JSON data, was just updated to version 1.1.0.

This module has been around for a couple of years now, and whenever I described it, I'd always be asked if it could create taxonomy terms. I finally implemented this feature over the holiday break.

This means a site builder can add a Linked Data Lookup field to a taxonomy vocabulary, and add it as an entity reference with the new Autocomplete widget,. Then users can add terms via autocomplete from the linked data source. Existing terms are re-used as normal.

Step-by-step instructions for setting this up are in the module's README. ( )

As well, thanks to a contribution from Rosie Le Faive, the Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging standard API has been added as another out-of-the-box configuration. ( )

While not directly part of Islandora, I originally developed this module as part of UPEI's Research Data Management project while I was working there, and it was made public in case it could be useful to anyone else.

I welcome any feedback from members of the Islandora community who try it out and I hope it may be useful.


- Alexander O'Neill

Donald Moses

Jan 28, 2025, 8:50:20 PMJan 28
to islandora
Thanks for the update Alexander and for your work (and Rosie's contribution) enhancing and sharing the module. 
Much appreciated.

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