MIG Meeting: Mon, Nov 6, 1-2 pm EST : Starting Thinking Of Your Metadata Wishlist

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Chris Day

Oct 31, 2023, 12:25:19 PM10/31/23
to isla...@googlegroups.com
An early announcement of the next MIG meeting this time, because we want everyone to start thinking about our topic of discussion. It was mentioned last week but we ran out of time, so the November 6 meeting will be dedicated to an Islandora Metadata Wishlist discussion. 

What field do you think should be added to the Starter Site? What field should be a different field type? What feature is missing? What view would be helpful? Should we add a pre-filled taxonomy? Anything that has been on your mind is fuel for discussion.

We have set up a Google Document at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nzg6a89LSBunlF0OJLpiRg0tAl1LLI7vP4aYmoJeWpo/edit#heading=h.s9f5ysbwj05o for the MIG Wishlist. Feel free to add your thoughts to the list in advance or just keep them in mind for the day. We'll be keeping track of the issues so we can track the potential changes.

And next meeting's minutes at: https://github.com/islandora-interest-groups/Islandora-Metadata-Interest-Group/blob/main/Meetings/2023/2023-11-06.md

See you then.



Chris Day
Metadata Librarian
discoverygarden inc. | Managing Digital Content
http://www.discoverygarden.ca | 902-367-3851
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