1. what is the data model ?
2.What is the metadata architecture?
3.What are the core functions and services?
Hello everyone,I am from Beijing, China, is a librarian, hope to use islandora platform to establish institutional repositories, but my native language is not English, so there are a lot of problems i do not understand。I hope you can help me. My question is as follows:
1. what is the data model ?
2.What is the metadata architecture?
3.What are the core functions and services?
4.How to support the ability of the type of non-text objects? Especially scientific data,
5.Ability to support complex/compound object?
thank you
My English is not very good, I am sorry!
and compare to ProjectHydra, what are the advantages?
On Monday, January 28, 2013 1:11:34 AM UTC+8, Melissa Anez wrote:Hello Tianye,
We have a pretty good collection of user documentation that should help to get you started with most of these questions: http://wiki.duraspace.org/display/ISLANDORA6122/Islandora
1. what is the data model ?
2.What is the metadata architecture?
3.What are the core functions and services?For questions 4 & 5, we may need to know a little more about what kind of data you are looking to manage, such as the file format and the types of metadata you would want to store.
- Melissa
On Sunday, January 27, 2013 1:01:04 PM UTC-4, tianye wrote:Hello everyone,I am from Beijing, China, is a librarian, hope to use islandora platform to establish institutional repositories, but my native language is not English, so there are a lot of problems i do not understand。I hope you can help me. My question is as follows:1. what is the data model ?2.What is the metadata architecture?3.What are the core functions and services?4.How to support the ability of the type of non-text objects? Especially scientific data,5.Ability to support complex/compound object?
thank you
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