Anybody recognize this? "ERROR: Failed to Setup IP tables: Unable to enable SKIP DNAT rule"

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David Keiser-Clark

Oct 5, 2021, 11:06:55 AM10/5/21
to Islandora ISLE
Today, after our ISLE 7 site had sat idle for about 2 weeks, there was site weirdness (people were unable to login) as our testers started testing. (We're in final testing of our ISLE 7 production environment, before soon cutting over to that from our legacy Islandora 7 production environment.)

Containers were all running. I was able to replicate the above login problem.

I ran `docker-compose down` (successful), but . But `docker-compose up -d` showed the following error:

$ docker-compose up -d
Creating network "unbound_production_isle-internal" with the default driver
ERROR: Failed to Setup IP tables: Unable to enable SKIP DNAT rule:  (iptables failed: iptables --wait -t nat -I DOCKER -i br-fead109e5a90 -j RETURN: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
(exit status 1))

Rebooting the server resolved all issues. 

My question is why did this error occur and is there any way to prevent it in the future? Or is it just a byproduct of the site going stale and needing a reboot?

Thank you for any thoughts on this!
David Keiser-Clark
Williams College

Cary Gordon

Oct 5, 2021, 11:42:50 AM10/5/21
to David Keiser-Clark, Islandora ISLE
There are many things that can cause this. You should be able to resolve them by running: sudo systemctl restart docker

In my experience, the underlying issue is usually a conflict between system native services and docker services. You might want to disable or remove any service on the host that is not needed to run docker.



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Cary Gordon
The Cherry Hill Company
818-694-1626 (mobile)

David Keiser-Clark

Oct 6, 2021, 10:16:16 AM10/6/21
to Islandora ISLE
Hi Cary, 
That's helpful - thank you very much!

On Tuesday, October 5, 2021 at 11:42:50 AM UTC-4 wrote:
There are many things that can cause this. You should be able to resolve them by running: sudo systemctl restart docker

In my experience, the underlying issue is usually a conflict between system native services and docker services. You might want to disable or remove any service on the host that is not needed to run docker.



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