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The 2016 ISDDE Prize for Excellence in Educational Design - Call for Nominations

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ISDDE Public Announcements

May 6, 2016, 1:36:20 PM5/6/16
to ISDDE Public Announcements

The 2016 ISDDE Prize for Excellence in Educational Design

Criteria and Guidelines

The 2016 Prize of US$5,000 celebrates an individual product or project that shows excellence in design for education in science or mathematics. In awarding The Prize the judges will seek excellence in the art and science of design in education. The overriding criterion will be recognition of excellence by a wide range of designers and users.


The judgement will be informed by evidence, formal or informal, of:

  • Aspects of design that have moved the field of educational design forward
  • Achievement of specific goals for improved outcomes
  • Use of research and the value of resulting insights
  • Systematic development through trials with people representative well-identified target groups of users
  • Valuable unanticipated outcomes related to transformative effects in use
  • Surprise and delight – as in all good art

Initial Nominations

Nominations are solicited from Fellows and friends of ISDDE. Do not nominate a design that belongs to the institution from which you receive compensation.

Your initial nomination should identify the work and describe what it is, what it does and for whom. In a separate paragraph, explain why you admire it. Nominators will be notified within a week of their initial nomination if their nominee is recommended to proceed to full submission. 

Closing date for initial nominations: June 15, 2016

Final Submission

For those nominations which the panel thinks likely contenders for the Prize, the nominator will be invited to prepare a more detailed case1 including:

  • A case for the excellence of the work covering the above, together with an outline of the goals and the major design alternatives that were considered
  • A portfolio of examples from the work in question
  • Supporting letters from users and others

As with good design, concise cases will normally have more impact.

The prize is open to designers of all nationalities and materials in any language, but nominations, cases and supporting letters should be presented in English. The identities and contact details of nominators and referees will be treated with professional discretion, but will be circulated amongst the judging panel. 

Closing date for final submissions: July 1, 2016

Announcement of the award: the winner will be announced on September 21, 2016 at the ISDDE Conference Dinner in the Netherlands.

The Judges' Panel will be chaired by Elizabeth Phillips and co-chaired by Jacqueline Barber and Peter Boon.

Enquiries should be sent to Elizabeth Phillips, panel chair:,
Nominations to to Elizabeth

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