Dear members, fellows and other interested colleagues,
ISDDE 2018 in Galway was memorable not only for the extremely warm Irish welcome, but also for the fascinating keynotes, especially from last year’s prize winners, Zal Usiskin and Kaye Stacey. Geoff Wake as chair of the prize committee announced
our 2018 prize winner; Nicholas Jacqiw. The complete citation will be up on the website soon, but for those of you who do not know, Nick is the designer of Geometer’s Sketchpad, amongst other notable work. We’re delighted to recognise his work with the ISDDE
We also awarded ten certificates to new fellows, ate and drank very well and generally gave and received wisdom from each other in equal measure.
You can get a sense of the activity from the photos on the conference website and
the short video put together by Jim Lenaghan here
As usual at conference the Executive met in person and progressed the business of ISDDE on various fronts. As is the custom we announced the venue for 2019 and this year announced the venue for 2020 as well - Pittsburgh USA in 2019 chaired by Chris
Schunn, and Nottingham UK in 2020 chaired by Geoff Wake. We don’t have the dates for 2020 yet but please put Sept 16-19 2019 in your calendar now in readiness for joining us in Pittsburg.
In line with our new strategy of determining conference venues much earlier than previously, we are also hoping that 2021 will be on the other side of the world to usual - and that our presence at ICMI in Shanghai in 2020 will help to get our work
better known in that part of the maths and science community.
Shortly we shall be changing our site to a new version and we will let you know when that happens. In the meantime I hope you have a good break when it comes.
Lynne McClure