Our rar validation integrated w/ deployers

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Stefano Maestri

Oct 7, 2016, 9:05:16 AM10/7/16
to IronJacamar Developers
Hi all,

I've just opened a PR [1] for the task [2] described by post subject.

Just a few notes:
  1. I've added a test for deployer. It could be used as base for any kind of test on deployment phase, not only for validation
  2. The test of point 1 is not full stressing all validation rules (well it just check one to be sure validation has fired by deployer). It could/should be extended. I've opened and issue [3] on this, for Beta2
  3. Looking at the code there are some points writable Java8 lambda, I've limited lambda only where they would be obvious, but I'd like to use them much more in next future...but I'd like to hear your opinion on this 

Please have a look and comment in PR or here.


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