Fwd: [one-team-ro] Fwd: Please help a mother's heart keep beating (strigat de ajutor)

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Marian Knup

Oct 9, 2014, 5:10:53 AM10/9/14
to irom...@googlegroups.com
Salutari dragilor,

Nu as fi vrut sa va scriu dupa atata timp cu un asemnea subiect, dar ma gandesc ca putem face un mic ajutor pentru o fosta colega.

Va multumesc si sa fiti iubiti :)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: radu bogdan <bogdan.ra...@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 4:39 PM
Subject: [one-team-ro] Fwd: Please help a mother's heart keep beating (strigat de ajutor)
To: one-t...@googlegroups.com

One Team Romania, an AIESEC-er needs our help!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Tania Serbanoiu" <tania.s...@gmail.com>
Date: 8 Oct 2014 14:00
Subject: Please help a mother's heart keep beating (strigat de ajutor)
To: "AIESEC Pitesti" <aieseci...@googlegroups.com>

Buna tuturor,
Imi cer scuze pentru faptul ca intervin pe grupul @Pi cu acest tip de mesaj si nu doresc nimanui sa ajunga in aceasta situatie de a apela la grup pentru un astfel de caz dar sunt intr-o situatie in care am nevoie sa folosesc toate resursele de care dispun...
Numele meu este Tania Serbanoiu, pentru cei care nu ma cunosc, am 23 de ani, sunt din Pitesti si sunt former VP OGX 2012-2014. Am activat in AIESEC 4 ani oficial ca membru si 2 ani ca participant la proiectele AIESEC Pitesti.

Am avut intotdeauna in spatele meu o persoana care, desi nu era mereu fizic langa mine, m-a sustinut intotdeauna in toate, inclusiv in toti acesti ani de AIESECer. Este vorba despre mama mea Serbanoiu Ioana.
Va spun cu toata sinceritatea si cu inima stransa ca nu as fi indraznit sa va scriu acest mesaj daca nu as fi fost intr-o situatie atat de disperata. Cunosc foarte bine rolul organizatiei si scopul acestor grupuri de comunicare, insa am facut un juramant ca voi face tot ce-mi sta in putinta sa imi salvez sprijinul de care v-am vorbit mai devreme, care acum zace pe un pat de spital.
Mama mea are 46 de ani, a suferit dinainte sa ma nasc cu sanatatea, insa cum ea a riscat sa plateasca pretul vietii pentru mine, eu ma lupt sa platesc un pret prea mic pentru o viata de mama, dar mult prea mare pentru mine si familia mea, anume 30.000 de euro pentru o noua interventie chirurgicala.
Avand 2 valve schimbate (mitrala in 1992 si aorta in 2001) la care s-a adaugat implantarea unui stimulator cardiac in 2004 si inlocuit in 2013, sufera acum de regurgitare a valvelor inimii (mitrala, aorta si tricuspida) care trebuie inlocuite, alaturi de stimulatorul cardiac. Medicii nu i-au mai dat sperante de viata fara aceasta operatie iar riscul operatiei este si el de 90%, fapt pentru care am fost refuzati de cateva spitale de stat din tara...ramanand acum sa efectuam operatia la un spital privat. Costurile interventiei se ridica la aproximativ 30.000 de euro....suma care ne-a coplesit si pe care nu o putem strange intr-un timp atat se scurt cat sa se mai poata faca ceva pentru mama. Am apelat deja la banci, sefi, rude, prieteni si de aceea am indraznit sa fac un apel si in reteaua AIESEC. Statul nu ne deconteaza decat o mica parte iar asta dupa cateva luni, timpul fiind critic in situatia de fata.
Va rog din tot sufletul daca aveti posibilitatea sa imi oferiti suport pentru aceasta interventie, oricat de mic, v-as ramane vesnic indatorata. As aprecia, daca nu se poate pe parte financiara, chiar si un input sau o recomandare legat de orice ar putea sa ajute in aceasta situatie (un doctor, un spital, o situatie, o rugaciune..)
Am atasat la acest mail si documentele care atesta starea ei (istoricul, analize, ultimul bilet de externare,computerul tomograf, decizia care arata necesitatea interventiei) precum si contul in care imi doresc sa strang suma de bani necesara. Atasez si aici datele contului pentru un acces mai rapid:
Tania Serbanoiu
ING Bank

Inchei aici mesajul, din nou, cu jena ca indraznesc sa apelez la voi, dar cu toata speranta in sansa aceea de 10% pe care medicii i-au dat-o mamei.

Please, help a mother's heart keep beating.

Va multumesc si va doresc numai de bine,

My name is Tania Serbanoiu, for the ones who don't know me, I'm 23 years old and I am the former VP OGX 2012-2014 in AIESEC Pitesti. I was active as an official AIESEC member for 4 years and 2 years as a participant at AIESEC Pitesti projects.
Although not always physically, I've always had by my side a person that supported me in everything, including all these years as an AIESECer.
I am talking about my mother Ioana Serbanoiu.
I am saying this with all sincerity and from my heart that I wouldn't dare writing this to you if I had not been in such a desperate situation.
I know very well the role of the organization and purpose of these communication groups, but I gave my word I will do everything I can to save the one I could always count on mentioned earlier, now lying in a hospital bed.
My mother is 46 years old , she had health problems before I was born (as you can see in one of the docs attached), but as she risked to pay with her life for me to be born, I struggle to pay such a low price for a mother's life, but such an enormous price for me and my family, namely 30.000 euros for a new needed surgery.
With two valves replaced (mitral in 1992 and aortic in 2001), adding a pacemaker later in 2004 and replaced in 2013, she is now suffering of heart valves regurgitation (mitral, aortic and tricuspid), which need to be replaced along with the peacemaker.
Doctors gave her no life hope for the next months without the surgery and the surgery risk is also 90%. Due to this fact she was rejected from several state hospitals in the country, now remaining for her to be operated at a private hospital.
Intervention costs are amounted to around 30.000 euros...an overwhelming amount of money that I we cannot afford to get in such a short time, so there can still be something done for my mother's life.
We have already reached bank credits, bosses, relatives, friends and this is why I dared to call AIESEC network for help...The Romanian state reimburses us only a small part of the surgery cost and this after several months, careless that time is critical in the current situation.
Please wholeheartdly if you can offer me support for this case, no matter how small, I would remain forever indebted. I would appreciate, if it's not possible financially, any other input or recommendation or any other thing that may help in this situation (a doctor, a hospital, an advice, a prayer..).
I attached to this email the documents certifying her condition (medical history, med tests, computer scan, the decision that shows the need for surgery and the bank account I have for raising the needed money) . I will also attach the bank account here for an easy access:
Tania Serbanoiu
ING Bank
I end this message here, again with the embarrassment of daring to contact you for this, but with all hope in that 10% chance the doctors gave to my mother.
Please, help a mother's heart keep beating.
Thank you and wish you all well,

Tania Serbanoiu

Mobile: (+4) 0724 020 791
(+4) 0757 605 963
E-mail: tania.s...@gmail.com

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