[parteneriate] TN-uri noi Olanda + Hungarian speakers(Ungaria)

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Stefy Demeter

Apr 3, 2013, 4:21:46 PM4/3/13
to iromania
Salutare dragutilor :)

Va "stresez" cu 4 Tn-uri noi de la cei din Olanda. Puteti sa promovati si la info deskuri sau cand va intreaba lumea :D


4 IT TNs in Utrecht!

WhereDrink ‘n Link in Utrecht.

Utrecht: is a vibrant student city and only 45 minutes away from Amsterdam by train. 

Job: 2 Webdevelopers & 2 Appdevelopers. Hence, you will be working in a team of 4 AIESEC interns.  Together you will be working on the development of a new mobile application. 

Skills: Go to the specific TN form to see the skills (see the TNs below). 

Apply! by emailing the corresponding TN manager and they will let you know if you are a good match!

Drink 'n Link  
App developer Android TN-In-NL-UT-2013-1447 

Drink 'n Link  
Web developer TN-In-NL-UT-2013-1448  & TN-In-NL-UT-2013-1449 

Drink 'n Link  

App developer iOS TN-In-NL-UT-2013-1450 

De asemenea, asa cum v-am scris si pe grupul de facebook (iRomania), cei din Ungaria ne-au trimis mesaul urmator:

"Hey Stefy!

I've just talked to a company. They would raise a TN for HR intern, Finance intern and Sales intern if we'd provide an EP who speaks Hungarian. You mentioned that there're some EPs from Romania, who would be interested and can actually speak Hungarian.

Could you tell me if you'd provide anyone?


Daca aveti oameni raised cu backgroundul respectiv sau daca  aveti in piata si chiar puteti Ra oameni native hungarian speakers, va rog sa imi ziceti (si puteti poate chiar 3 oGIP Ma dintr-un sut, what about that?) :D

Alte lamuriri va voi da cand voi avea informatii, daca mai e ceva de intrebat, puteti sa imi scrieti sau sa comentati in postul de pe facebook.

O seara frumoasa sa aveti :*

Stefania Demeter

International Partnerships Responsible & Account Manager oGIP
Project Manager Global IT, Education, Engineering
AIESEC in Romania

International Internships & Communication
AIESEC in Cluj-Napoca

E-mail: stefania...@gmail.com
Skype: stefy.demeter
Phone: +40 742 14 22 60
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