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The Flag

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Jan 17, 2008, 12:55:59 AM1/17/08
to Iraqi Blogodrome
You guys have any opinions about that hoopla about the new iraqi flag?


Jan 17, 2008, 1:30:06 AM1/17/08
to Iraqi Blogodrome
It gets on my nerve every time I remember that the phrase "God is
great" will be yellow!!!

khalid jarrar

Jan 17, 2008, 7:27:11 AM1/17/08
what are you talking about people?

On Jan 17, 2008 8:30 AM, Marshmallow <> wrote:

It gets on my nerve every time I remember that the phrase "God is
great" will be yellow!!!

On Jan 17, 3:55pm, AK <> wrote:
> You guys have any opinions about that hoopla about the new iraqi flag?


Jan 17, 2008, 10:15:02 AM1/17/08
Hello all,
I'm not so attached to the Iraqi flag actually, I've always thought the colours are way too tasteless, and I could not help smelling a rat when Allah Akbar was forcibly worked into it, but I agree yellow makes it even tackier. Mind you this is not the first time Iraq's flag's changed.


Jan 17, 2008, 10:40:49 AM1/17/08
Having the words "Allah Akbar" in the flag make it worthless to me.
the flag is a symbol that should represent the country, not represent
the beleives of the country. Most Iraqis Like "Grendizer", dont you
think we should have his picture in the flag too.



Jan 17, 2008, 10:47:02 AM1/17/08
Yeah I was just a kid when the decision was made by the former president, but the first thing that popped into my head was "I know why he did this, he doesn't want footballers of the Gulf States to desecrate his flag". It was politically driven.

khalid jarrar

Jan 17, 2008, 11:19:20 AM1/17/08
now at least we all know that there is one iraqi that believes adding Allaho Akbar to the flag makes it worthless!
should we inform guinness?
chan isti7et wallah, if not to be decent when talking about God, to be decent while talking to other people that actually care about being decent when talking about God.
"Having the words "Allah Akbar" in the flag make it worthless to me"
and we wonder lesh Alla m6ayyi7  7`6na.
And whether it was put in there in the first place for political reasons or whatever reasons, which is irrelevant now, its wonderful for it to stay there, forget 9kham now and whoever put it there, its isim rab il 3alameen, and a statement of takbeer that doesnt belong to any religion in particular but to all religions, and its a beautiful sign that this country actually cares enough about God to at least, at least have his name in their flag, as a symbol, and the statement itself is very humbling: Allaho Akbar, its a reminder that nobody is greater than God, and hence a reminder il kol `6alim that rab il 3alameen akbar, and a reminder to people that God is greater than all people, and that no matter how powerful their leaders are, they should think of God's greatness and answering to God more than thinking of the leaders greatness and fearing his anger. Imagine if iraqis all iraqis actually thought of that and havent participated in clapping for issayid irra2ees? and if issayyid irra2ees have thought of that before ma ychaffo9 ibbba6n il sha3ab?
كل ناع فسينعى **** كل باك فسيبكى
كل مستخف بسر **** فمن الله بمرآى
ليس غير الله يبقى **** من علا فالله أعلى
           Khalid Jarrar


Jan 17, 2008, 11:42:16 AM1/17/08
when logic dose not work , people turn to persoan attacks.

khalid jarrar

Jan 17, 2008, 12:28:42 PM1/17/08
yeah see its funny,  i have this wierd notion that your opinions and what you say sort of reflects who you are.
shayif shlon when someone gets on a stage and says something seriosuly dumb and people start throwing tomato at him? they dont throw tomato at his opinion alone right? 6ama6a is properly directed to his head and every other part of him! :D
2008/1/17 Laith <>:

            Khalid Jarrar


Jan 17, 2008, 12:50:25 PM1/17/08
those who through tomato because they disagree are worth a tomato,
just because they dont have a point to say they turn to insults


Jan 17, 2008, 7:20:09 PM1/17/08
to Iraqi Blogodrome
ahhooooo khalid, ya3ni inta lazim tlooos-ha everytime?!
Congratulations, mon ami, you'd make a great right-winger.

Looksee here, first Allahu Akbar is clearly a very Islamic slogan.
Have you seen a Christian say Allah Akbar anywhere? Of course, they
aren't a sizable percentage, so it's not a very large issue, but your
defense of that slogan is ya3ni a bit...pigheaded. (sorry!)
First it was put by Sadoomi for all the wrong reasons, kalimat haqq
yurad biha ba6il, and second don't you think Allah Akbar is a bit too
impractical to put on a cloth that is used so generously on the street
and on soccer celebrations? Haven't you seen the Saudi cheerleader
Sarah al-Humood halfnaked while draping the Saudi flag all around
here? what about when FIFA wanted to have a soccer ball with all the
flags and Saudi Arabia objected? Those stupid decisions will be all
the time when you have a flag like that, that is not to say I don't
like Allah Akbar, bas ya3ni the guy do has a point in expressing his
opinion without the fangs of hell at his throat all of a sudden?!
Besides do you really think Allah Akbar helped us 7abibi? Ashu Sarilha
18 sinna khaffaqa wu i7na min kheesa ila akhyas! It's not the slogans
dada, it's about what's in your hearts.

I have posted about this on me allow the harmless advert:

On Jan 17, 8:50 pm, Laith <> wrote:
> those who through tomato because they disagree are worth a tomato,
> just because they dont have a point to say they turn to insults
> On Jan 17, 2008 12:28 PM, khalid jarrar <> wrote:
> > yeah see its funny, i have this wierd notion that your opinions and what
> > you say sort of reflects who you are.
> > shayif shlon when someone gets on a stage and says something seriosuly dumb
> > and people start throwing tomato at him? they dont throw tomato at his
> > opinion alone right? 6ama6a is properly directed to his head and every other
> > part of him! :D
> > 2008/1/17 Laith <>:
> > > when logic dose not work , people turn to persoan attacks.
> > > > On Jan 17, 2008 5:40 PM, Laith <> wrote:
> > > > > Having the words "Allah Akbar" in the flag make it worthless to me.
> > > > > the flag is a symbol that should represent the country, not represent
> > > > > the beleives of the country. Most Iraqis Like "Grendizer", dont you
> > > > > think we should have his picture in the flag too.
> > > > > Laith


Jan 17, 2008, 8:47:29 PM1/17/08
thanks AK,
to the point

if you ever consider that people disagree in many ways and one of them
about religion, you may end up understanding where I came from, for
example even if I have strong beleive in any religion ( which i am
not) I would really push for removing a religious symbol in flag, you
say Allah Akbar is ok with all religion, i wounder if you would be ok
with "Al Rab Akbar" or "Al Rab Ma3ana" in the flag, seriously no
matter what Rab or Allah or God, its all personal beleives that should
not be reflected anywhere but the heart of the people of faith,
showing too much devotion to religion is not acceptable religious
behavior to start with.

khalid jarrar

Jan 17, 2008, 10:19:46 PM1/17/08
ya akhy what are you talking about?:)
you want logic?
okhoth logic!
i havent started with this earlier because it seemed to me that its pointless to talk logic with you if dont have the logic ability/knowledge to realize the idfference between grindizer and religion. religion is a part of the identity, the identity ya akhy, which the flag is a mere symble of it.
ok, fine! lets say that Allaho akbar is in ma3na a statement that all religions agree to, whicle in na9 its more of an islamic indicator, over 95% of Iraqis are muslims no? and wheather you like it or not, its also the official deen of dawla.
you say that religion should not be reflected anywhere except in the heart of the people with faith, and i say: HA! and who made you the refference and who gives you the right to tell us what SHOULD and what SHOULDNT? i think that relgion is something to be lived and practiced and be taken a way of life. you have a secular belief and seperation between LIFE and religion, and its your buisness, ya akhy live your life the way you like, but how dare you demand that muslims live their lives that way? i mean you are one of those people that call for personal freedom and all that ba66eekh no? so what if it happens to be a country where people are religios by nature and where religion is important to them? what if they were muslims and islam is a religion to be practiced in every aspect of life? who gives you the right to even suggest keeping it in their heart? and who gives you the devine right to make statements like: showing too much devotion to religion is not acceptable religious behavious to start with, dakheel il 3anba mo hessa al6om 3ala rasi, ya akhy khalleeek b7alak live and let live, i promise you i wil never even suggest to you t9alli in your entire life, let your religious views and beliefs to yourself and practice them or the lack of them the way you like, bas let religious people practice thier faith they way they want too.

            Khalid Jarrar

khalid jarrar

Jan 17, 2008, 10:46:53 PM1/17/08
pfffff kiddo kiddo kiddoo
walla always you manij to roll my eyes, y3ni i dont know you find this point illy m3aqqicha tilzam minha il maw`6oo3 wit3lga upside down o til3ab bkhiliqta ya akhy.
so i realize your tounge scraches you and you need to talk buy you could do some thinking first, and it would be great, think how royaly important the points you mentioned about i66oba and some naked cheleader and how relevent this can be when you are talking about a symbol representing the identity of a country, ya akhy la ykhalleeni ashalli3 sha3ar rasi, y3ni itha ako wa7id for example shayil na3al ykattil beeh innas does that men we should ban ni3il o nitrok il 3alam kolho yimshoon 7ofatan 3orah? just because some naked chik wrapped the flag around her n`3ayyir il 3alam kolla? y3ni dont you have a friend to show him what you write before you publish it, mayhe he would tell you this is not really a good idea to publish in public? you should get one of those friends. just like ahmadinaj should get one of those friends before he talks shit to american, and bush should get one of them before announcing the end of military operations in iraq. [attribute to maz].
yaaaaaaa akhy, yaaaa waladi il 3azeeez, 3oooofak min izzifit moo mat irijjal 9arat 3`6ama maka7il, 3ooofak minna, get over him, stop thinking of him, if he put Allahi AKbar for the wrong reasons, WHO CARES, who gives a flying bug? ya akhy.....ask that friend of yours when you get him also about this point please...ya aky howwa o rabba yitjza ina sha3lena? we put it for the right reasons.
and as for the ashooo ma  nfa3na.....ahhha! so ashoo i7na hammena 3idna deen bil 3iraq iwa2an islam aw masee7iyya and 3idna 3orooba o kol il virtues malatha and everything, ashoo min kheesa ila akhyas, does that means we should just forget about all religions and forge about vertues? lo......and here is a brilliant idea...just tkhayyyal this amazing idea i am about to invent...: maybe we should keep them and call people to adhere to them and learn more virtues and implement them in their lives?  :O :O :O
omg! what a thought!
so yeah, maybe we could keep Allaho Akbar and then urge people to understand it and upply its beautiful meanings and all instead of removing it?
a7med wakhir min gbali il kha6ir alla, 5 days nashla o ga77a o ma 6ali3 mn il bet o da atkatal wiyya thibban wijhi.

            Khalid Jarrar

Jan 17, 2008, 10:56:33 PM1/17/08
this is not logic, what you just said can not be anything more than
lack of understanding, I did not say dont do your beleives, I did not
say dont make your devotation major part of your live, all i said is
dont associate it with whole country that represent people who
disagree with you.
imagine you are a citizen of a country that your beleive is not the
majority, and they do something inn the flag that is completely
against your beleives.

with all do respect I never did impose my beleive on you, you are the
one who dose

but you know what the whole country now is in the hand of religious
freaks, why do I bother with a flag and argue with you

if Grendizer said that anything in the show is something you should
not dispute it will be exactly like any other religion.


Jan 17, 2008, 11:06:46 PM1/17/08
to Iraqi Blogodrome
As I said I have no problem with Allahu Akbar, bas it's not 7aram to
remove it from the flag, ya3ni all those things that I mentioned are
practical matters (Linda already said something about soccer fans not
stepping on it) which should be kept in consideration that's what I
meant. A good flag must be practical too, la tseer 3asabi shbeek,
Allahu Akbar minnak!

The only point I was trying to make in my reply is my criticism of the
rude and offensive bigoted manner in which you reply to anything that
is against your way of thinking, if this is how you want people to
accept my opinions, then I'm sorry, it only makes them think of you as
a crude example of the principles that drive you, in reality your are
the only one insulting those principles. Ya akhy inta khosh walad wu
7abab, bas ya3ni sa3ub shwaya ti7turum nafasak wu akhwanak for saying
something they believe in?!

khalid jarrar

Jan 18, 2008, 1:16:12 AM1/18/08
ya akhy i cant blame myself for being 3a9abi, you just frustrate me with what you say, you look at what linda said and think: linda dear, whats your excuse for saying that nonsense? and the asnwer would be that she was a little school girl, as obviosu in her email, when she thought that thought, so yeah, we can understand that, now whats YOUR excuse, 23 years old man, except that you dont have anyone to show him what you write before you go public with it?
ya akhy get a nonsense meter, and to hell with me, this is not about me at all, this is about the issue we are discussing here, doesnt matter how 7abbab i am in real life, i cant not turn red and jump on your throat when you talk about such major issues so lightly tshammor 7achi yimn ao yisra not realizing the depth of the disaster of what you promote every single time. i cant blame myself for being a crazy right winger at all, because i have to read a whole load of nonsense, ya akhy get yourself a book, travel, meet thinkers, do whatever you want to refrain from going public with your opinions before you have a better sense of what they mean.
its a bad, bad idea to talk to me when i am sick. i just loose interest in diplomacy and speak my mind.

khalid jarrar

Jan 18, 2008, 1:27:04 AM1/18/08
why not assosiate it, when its the official religion of the country, and while 95% of its people follow that religion?
and that thought of where the small minority must be tolerent to the fact that they would have to respect the will of the extreme majoritty is foreignnotion called democrasy. and Allaho Akbar is not AGAINST the belief of anyone, christians yazeeids 9abi2a whoever, they all agree that God is the greatest no? and call him God, Allah, Alrab, whatever you like, not like Alrab is a christian word or Allah is an islamic one, Allah is an arabic word used way before islam and alrab is an arabic word too, and not like its associated to chrisitanty by default since the bible isnt in Arabic originaly, if you havent noticed, but thats beside the point.
if grindizer said that anything in the show is something you should not dispute, and 95% of people in the country believed in it and believed they would go to tell if they are not good grindizer followers, then i deamnd that country practice their freedom of expression and put grendizer on their flag as a sign of their identity and the importence of grendizer in their lives. got it?
and who are you, btw? are you a blogger?


Jan 18, 2008, 5:13:58 AM1/18/08
people, take it easy.
have you ever seen a dollar bill? silly question.
have you ever LOOKED carefully at it?
now: on its back, very clearly, are the words IN GOD WE TRUST.
a couple of years ago, some atheist groups objected to this and raised the issue to congress, they were told to shove it.
my point?
let's not all get so frikkin anal about whose god is up there. has it directly or indirectly affected ANYONE's day? i dare you, i double dare you to find me a case when the words Allah Akbar on the flag affected ANYONE.
people who claim logic shouldnt even think it matters.
i personally think the flag should carry the words ALLAH KAREEM. that would be more fitting to our situation :)

2. Protect The Innocent.
3. Seriously Prod Buttock.


Jan 18, 2008, 5:15:55 AM1/18/08
oh and yellow would complete the traffic light that is our flag.


Jan 19, 2008, 12:55:06 AM1/19/08
to Iraqi Blogodrome
Ya3ni dude we're all taking it pretty easy here, nobody is really
close to play bull with walls here except our favorite bearded man,
Khaloodi al warda, it's not much of a problem if Allahu Akbar stays or
not, the problem here is with people like abu al-walid who have to
impose their views in a very buffoonish and insecure manner. if
anything, what Laith tried to say is that he is afraid of theocratic
domination, which is indeed bad ; not only because it's a bad thing in
itself when it rules over a homogeneous group of ppl like Iran but
because the people would spend decades fighting over which flavor here
in Iraq, it only increases division, okay, maybe his paranoia of
Allahu Akbar is a bit far-fetched, bas he has the right to voice his
opinions. If anything, Khalid's defense has encouraged me to adopt
Laith's Greendizer flag, indeed, it's much less anger-provoking. I
also suggest the national anthem be Greendizer's song:

علي علي بطل فليد

after all the first word is 'Ali' which would gain approval by 60% of


Jan 19, 2008, 5:06:36 AM1/19/08
:D that would be good, i agree as well
but what about 3adnan wa Leena? after all, at least they have arabic names..


Jan 19, 2008, 6:15:50 AM1/19/08
to Iraqi Blogodrome
I am afraid Adnan Wa Lina's cartoon is part of a zionist conspiracy if
i remember correctly? plus, Adnan Wa Lina is clearly a very, ahem,
immoral theme, it suggests satanic romance.


Jan 19, 2008, 1:52:13 PM1/19/08
yeps. also i totally forgot about 3absi and Captain Namiq and Samira's love triangle..
and yeah also the adnan wa lina and israel thing..

so i guess grendizer it is..

Baghdadia 88

Jan 19, 2008, 2:43:57 PM1/19/08
Adnan wa Lina would be the only thing that ever made sense.

Too much hawt air on some people's part. Too right wing. Stop shoving religion in politic's derrier and if anybody wants to be religious, don't take it to the flag unless it's something Imam Sadam put and must therefore be sanctified. I didn't know God needed to have His name on a flag to start liking us, except for that now that I think about it, His name has been there for years and as was already pointed, we're at the bottom of the bottomless pit. In all religions, using God's name in vain is a sin, and there's nothing more vain that a flag that will only ever be used by people when they win a soccer match or Star Academy. Go figure.

I'm bored, I blame Israel.


Jan 20, 2008, 5:56:40 AM1/20/08
do you want some cheese with that?

3. Seriously Prod Buttock.


Jan 21, 2008, 4:24:01 AM1/21/08
to Iraqi Blogodrome
هاي شنو ؟؟؟ لعد اني اريد موروكو

On Jan 20, 5:43 am, "Baghdadia 88" <> wrote:
> Adnan wa Lina would be the only thing that ever made sense.
> Too much hawt air on some people's part. Too right wing. Stop shoving
> religion in politic's derrier and if anybody wants to be religious, don't
> take it to the flag unless it's something Imam Sadam put and must therefore
> be sanctified. I didn't know God needed to have His name on a flag to start
> liking us, except for that now that I think about it, His name has been
> there for years and as was already pointed, we're at the bottom of the
> bottomless pit. In all religions, using God's name in vain is a sin, and
> there's nothing more vain that a flag that will only ever be used by people
> when they win a soccer match or Star Academy. Go figure.
> I'm bored, I blame Israel.
> On Jan 19, 2008 7:52 PM, aNarki-13 <> wrote:
> > yeps. also i totally forgot about 3absi and Captain Namiq and Samira's
> > love triangle..
> > and yeah also the adnan wa lina and israel thing..
> > so i guess grendizer it is..- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -


Jan 22, 2008, 7:48:00 AM1/22/08

khalid jarrar

Jan 22, 2008, 8:09:45 AM1/22/08
110 out of 165 too! ;)
i should bet on me next time [20 bucks the parliament will prove me right who is in? :P]


Jan 22, 2008, 8:24:44 AM1/22/08
Yaba they say this flag is valid for one year only, afterwards they will make other changes. Who suggested Maroco here?!?!?! I'm in, the first two have never been my cup of tea. On second thought, I guess Amirat En-Nahar is more appropriate since it is based on Sumarian myths, which is more relevant thana Japanese imports.

Baghdadia 88

Jan 22, 2008, 9:02:39 AM1/22/08
Am I the only one that finds the idea lacking in taste and quite tacky?


Jan 22, 2008, 9:05:21 AM1/22/08
Way too tacky wallah, I mean the colours, from a woman's point of view.


Jan 22, 2008, 9:27:19 AM1/22/08
صادق مجلس النواب في جلسته اليوم الثلاثاء على قانون تعديل العلم العراقي برفع النجمات الثلاث التي كانت موجودة في العلم والابقاء على لفظ الجلالة /الله اكبر/ وتغيير خطها باليد/من خط صدام حسين/ الى الخط الكوفي.

وكان التحالف الكردستاني قد رفض النجمات في العلم بوصفها تمثل الوحدة والحرية والاشتراكية لحزب البعث حسب المادة الاولى /ثانيا/ من القانون المرقم 33 لسنة 1986 الصادر عن مجلس قيادة الثورة المنحل.
لكن المؤرخين يذكرون ان النجمات الثلاث وضعت بعد مباحثات الوحدة الثلاثية بين العراق وسوريا ومصر عام 1963 وهو مشروع لم يكتب له النجاح بسبب الخلافات بين حكومتي حزب البعث في سوريا والعراق من جهة وحكومة الرئيس جمال عبد الناصر في مصر من جهة اخرى. ويضيف المؤرخون ان شكل العلم بنجومه الثلاث ظل علما لكل من العراق وسوريا الى ان ادخل الرئيس الاسبق صدام حسين عبارة الله اكبر بخط يده.
وجرت محاولات لتغيير العلم بعد سقوط النظام السابق بموجب قرار اتخذه مجلس الحكم ونشر في حينه لكن ذلك العلم لم يلق قبولا من مختلف فئات الشعب مما اضطر السلطات الى العودة الى العلم ذي النجمات الثلاث وعبارة الله اكبر لكن بتغيير كتابة العبارة الى الخط الكوفي.
وينص الدستور الحالي على ايجاد علم جديد للعراق غير ان ذلك اصطدم بعقبات عديدة اهمها مطالبة الاكراد ان يكون في العلم ما يشير الى الاكراد وجرى الاسبوع الماضي بحث تغييرالعلم لمدة سنة واحدة لكي يمكن رفعه في المؤتمر البرلماني الذي سيعقد في اقليم كردستان اذ ان حكومة الاقليم كانت قد انزلت العلم من المؤسسات الحكومية ورفعت بدلا منه علم اقليم كردستان وترفض بشكل مطلق العلم الذي كان في عهد صدام حسين. وفي محاولات لارضاء المسؤولين الاكراد قدم الى مجلس النواب الاسبوع الماضي مشروع علم يبقي النجمات الثلاث لكن عبارة الله اكبرتكون باللون الاصفر. وبالامس 21 كانون الثاني
قدم نائب رئيس مجلس النواب عارف طيفور (كردي) اقتراحا اخر برفع النجمات الثلاث والابقاء على عبارة الله اكبر بلونها الاخضر ولكن بالخط الكوفي وبتفسير جديد لالوان العلم ممثلة رايات الدول الاسلامية وليس العربية.
وفعلا تم التصويت على هذا المقترح بموافقة 110 نائبا من اصل 165 نائبا حضروا جلسة اليوم


Jan 22, 2008, 9:42:16 AM1/22/08
Chikitita tell me whats wrong,

Amerat el Nahar will not work, it is very feminine symbol and we have
a macho country ( or they pretend to be macho in better words, more
like American )

2008/1/22 Chikitita <>:


Jan 22, 2008, 9:46:15 AM1/22/08
Eee yaboo Iraqi politicians are not pro-"mara" as they like to call us.


Jan 22, 2008, 10:39:59 AM1/22/08
Pro-Mara politicians, that sound like a great blog name ;)


Jan 22, 2008, 11:07:44 AM1/22/08
naaaaaaaawwww ur all too civilized:
ba3ad? khob nikhtar sindibad, be kul shee taqriban!


Jan 22, 2008, 11:10:07 AM1/22/08
ye3ni loma my kurdish brothers yzi3loon minni, chan made out the point that they removed the STARS, but left the Saddami' Allahu Akbar.
i dont know why, but its funny


Jan 22, 2008, 12:04:01 PM1/22/08
to Iraqi Blogodrome
هازا كاكا لازم يلوص سالفة اني لازم يلعب لو يخرب ملعب
اني من هسه اعتبر نفسي برو - نثيه