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تحقیقی بر ابزارهای Agile

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prof. Marcello Missiroli

Nov 26, 2016, 7:24:40 AM11/26/16
to Iran Agile Community
Hello Iranian Agilists, 

With this email I invite you to participate in my survey, which is part of an academic research. It focuses on which digital tools are the most used and loved 
by the Agile Community - though it is not limited to that. 

 http;//  (FARSI)

This topic is somewhat controversial, often sparkling heated discussions, but as far as I know it's not been treated systematically so far. Its secondary objective is to verify if there is a significant opinion difference based on linguistical-cultural considerations. Therefore, the survey is available in several languages (possibly more will be added). Please, only respond once and using your mother language (not necessarily the main language of the place you live in). 

More information can be found here: : 

Thank you for your time. 
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