[ANN] iPOPO 0.7.1

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Thomas Calmant

Jun 16, 2018, 5:38:56 AM6/16/18
to ipopo...@googlegroups.com, ipop...@googlegroups.com
iPOPO v0.7.1 has been released!

What's new in 0.7.1

This version mainly adds:

* A TLS version of the Remote Shell
* New ``@ValidateComponent`` and ``@InvalidateComponent`` decorators, which
allow to give access to all the properties of the component to the life-cycle
``@Validate`` and ``@Invalidate`` are now aliases to these new decorators.
* Support for Event Listeners Hooks.
See https://github.com/tcalmant/ipopo/pull/88 for more details.

Some small bugs have also been fixed.

This is a small-lifetime release: version 0.8.0 should be released by
the end of the month, with
the addition of the Remote Service Admin implementation by Scott Lewis.

You can take a look at the documentation at https://ipopo.readthedocs.io/
iPOPO is available on PyPI: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/iPOPO
Source is available on GitHub: https://github.com/tcalmant/ipopo
Feel free to send feedback on your experience of Pelix/iPOPO, via the
mailing lists:

User list : http://groups.google.com/group/ipopo-users
Development list : http://groups.google.com/group/ipopo-dev

Have fun!

Darren G

Jun 16, 2018, 7:56:19 AM6/16/18
to ipopo...@googlegroups.com, ipop...@googlegroups.com
Congrats Thomas and team on the release.

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