Many folks have written me for more information about this weekend's
iPhoneDevCamp Colorado Satellite event.
Yes, it's a mere two days away, and here's what I know:
The event is scheduled to take place in Denver and will be hosted by
id345, Danny Newman's studio at 2936 Larimer. The event will be Friday
evening 7-10pm, Saturday 10am to 7pm and optionally the same again on
Sunday (depending on attendees).
Generally these events have been run as "BarCamp" style events where
the schedule is made up by the attendees, if there's a topic you can
talk about, please, sign up for a slot and share what you can with
others! Sessions can range from highly technical presentations to just
discussing your app, with anything in between.
Friday night will be a primarily "social" event, where folks get to
meet informally and just hang out with other iPhone devs.
Throughout the weekend, there are some keynote and other more
structured events that will be broadcast from California, and
depending on the setup (one room vs. multiple rooms), there may be
some times when that's what's being presented.
Otherwise, Saturday (and the optional Sunday) are expected to be
scheduled by the attendees to present on their topics of interest. The
presentations don't have to be one-to-many, you can assemble a panel
or conversation group and just talk about particular topics or issues,
as well, technical, business, creative, whatever! Sunday afternoon in
California will also be the Hack-a-thon competition, and last year the
Satellites were able to participate remotely. (Some of you may recall
the "HumIt4Us" music application we created.)
You'll almost certainly want to bring your laptop and development
device, either to show off your cool demos, or to see if someone else
there can help you with problems you're encountering.
Please note, this is an all-volunteer event and there is no fee to
attend. We have not put a major effort into getting money from
sponsors to cover costs this year, so you may want to bring your own
meals & refreshments, and possibly be prepared to chip in for
incidentals. If you'd like to sponsor, even a little bit (say,
ordering pizza or burritos for everyone for lunch on Saturday), talk
to Danny.
I am going to be at the main iPhoneDevCamp event in Sunnyvale, so
sadly I will not get a chance to see everyone and meet new folks this
year, but I hope we'll get another chance soon.
Danny Newman (cc'd) is the host and primary contact, and you can reach
him on Twitter at @dannynewman or by texting Daniel to 50500. He says
"bring your smiles and your fun!"
Have a great time and thanks for making the Colorado iPhone
Development Community so strong!
Joe Pezzillo, Founder
Metafy LLC
PO Box J
Boulder, CO 80306 USA
001 303-997-1277
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