H.I.P. - Harvesting Iphone's Potential
N.A.M.E. - Nurturing Acronyms Magically Empower
J.O.E. - Joy Opens Enchantment
I am looking for someone to hire or partner up with to create &/or distribute
compelling content to the wireless industry. I'm confident the offering is both
unique & directly, personally appealing.
I am a photographer-designer-poet living in Boulder. I have published
a small book & a boxed deck of cards based on showcasing inspiring
acronyms & visual images. Examples are: J.O.Y. - Just Open Yourself.
M.Y.T.H. - Make Yourself The Hero. L.O.V.E. - Let Others' Visions Exist.
I have a special subset of acronyms that are created from people's names.
D.O.U.G. - Destiny Opens Understanding's Grace. T.O.M. - Timelessly Open Magic.
S.U.E. - Simply Unlock Enchantment. I have over 3,000 personal name acronyms.
This is the content that I feel would be perfect for the wireless market. Everyone
loves to be acknowledged & loves to hear their own name. If they will pay .99 cents
for a ringtone or a song, I'm confident many, many will pay .99 cents to have
their own, actual name as wallpaper for their phone &/or computer screen.
It's not just another off-the-shelf offering. It's their very identity complete with
an uplifting, inspiring, life-enhancing meaning. And at .99 cents, it seems to be
recession proof. Everybody's got a name. And everybody wants to feel good.
And it's my hunch, that at .99 cents, millions might just say, "This is cool. Why not?"
The app could also include inspiring "thoughts of the day", like the app "Ponder",
to add value. I have created over 10,000 acronyms over 25 years.
Anyway, that's the basic idea. I assume this is an app for the iphone store primarily,
but possibly other places as well. I'd greatly appreciate it, if there's anyone who
resonates with this idea to contact me & discuss possibilities. And please, if you
know someone that might be a good connection for this opportunity, let us both know.
Thanks for your time & any insight you can provide.
Best wishes,
Russell McDougal
studio 303-444-6984
cell 303-947-4547
PS Here are a couple of examples. I know that the wallpaper graphics for cell phones
has limited real estate, so the visual graphics would need to be minimal or a simple,
subtle pattern, or eliminated all together. It's really all about the name & the uplifting acronyms.
Everything else is gravy.