initial FMDB (sqlite3 wrapper) review

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Adam Jack

Feb 26, 2009, 12:46:02 PM2/26/09
to, Kendall Gelner

I started a simple utility application yesterday, and decided to exercise FMBD (which Kendall Gelner mentioned at iPhoneDevCamp #3, thanks for the pointers Kendall) as an sqlite3 wrapper. I'd been hoping for something to make this easier, and was eager to see how FMDB (Flying Meat DB) faired:

Here is what I thought about the experience:

Summary: it is fine (especially if you are happy rolling your own SQL) and likely good for many simple iPhone apps. It is much easier to use than sqlite3 directly (i.e. Objective-C API verses C API) so a good first starting point for working with sqlite3. It seemed not thread safe by it's simplistic interface design (which felt seriously flawed) and still left me with the job of binding object properties to/from database table columns. I'll keep it for now, but look for something different next time I start a project.

YMMV, so please let me know your thoughts and what wrappers might you come up with for making local iPhone SQL easy.


Julio Barros

Feb 26, 2009, 1:19:38 PM2/26/09
I've started looking at sqlitepersistentobjects and for my current needs it could not be easier.  Its by Jeff Lamarche of "Beginning iPhone Development" book (grapefruit on the cover).

LIke I said, so far it rocks.  If you look at it and find issues let us know so we can all learn. 



Mar 30, 2009, 2:23:41 PM3/30/09
to iPhoneDevCampCO
This book is a great start, but one gigantic missing piece the book
failes to mention is that the sqlite3 is not thread safe. You have to
create your own wrapper that does synchronization if you want to use
mulitple threads for this DB.


On Feb 26, 12:19 pm, Julio Barros <> wrote:
> I've started looking at sqlitepersistentobjects and for my current  
> needs it could not be easier.  Its by Jeff Lamarche of "Beginning  
> iPhone Development" book (grapefruit on the cover).
> LIke I said, so far it rocks.  If you look at it and find issues let  
> us know so we can all learn.
> Julio
> On Feb 26, 2009, at 10:46 AM, Adam Jack wrote:
> > Folks,
> > I started a simple utility application yesterday, and decided to  
> > exercise FMBD (which Kendall Gelner mentioned at iPhoneDevCamp #3,  
> > thanks for the pointers Kendall) as an sqlite3 wrapper. I'd been  
> > hoping for something to make this easier, and was eager to see how  
> > FMDB (Flying Meat DB) faired:
> > Here is what I thought about the experience:
> >
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