Software Professionals Dilemma : Your Verdict Required

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Althaf K Backet

Apr 22, 2011, 2:29:25 AM4/22/11
I'm having second thoughts about being a Software Professional, well
considering the passive health hazards [1] for a long run, it wouldn't
make sense to earn if i can't expect live that long. Yea, sure i'm
open to your valuable suggestions! Looking at it in various angles, i
came to a mathematical model for software professional as a person.

J = j(m,p) = (m^2 x p^3)

S = s(J, y) = J * y

hf(S) = 1/S^2

hf - > health , family and social life function
j -> job function
s -> software profession function

m -> salary per year
p -> pressure per project
y -> number of years of experience

This means, as number of years increases your health and family life
decreases while money and pressure increase with years of
experience.Differentiate the "hf" function partially with each
variable to see the minute change with respect to that variable.

d ( hf(S) )
------------- = rate of change of health wrt change in pressure.
d p


Apr 23, 2011, 12:55:52 PM4/23/11
Hi Althaf ,
Sounds good ! ( Your Idea has been put forward well ).

Most of issues come to the fore when team members think that
failure is too bad a state to be in. This fear of failure leads people
to push for the impossible and the mess starts from there.

As far as I am concerned , Computer Programming is a great way to make
a living . When you go to services Industry , the problem mentioned by
you is really there. Try to work with a Product development company or
a Application Services Provider , I think you will have much
predictable daily schedules and even the activities meant for a
quarter can be foreseen.

The million dollar question is , Is there any alternative ?

Praseed Pai


Apr 23, 2011, 2:22:35 PM4/23/11
On 23 April 2011 22:25, praseedp <> wrote:
> Hi Althaf ,
>   Sounds good !  ( Your Idea has been put forward well ).
>  Most of  issues come to the fore when team members think that
> failure is too bad a state to be in. This fear of failure leads people
> to push for the impossible and  the mess starts from there.

Yes, exactly my point, even though some people replied to my email
suggesting that success is in balancing health, social life and the
professional life, however looking at the trends which people
subconsciously become a victim to this model still holds good. Some
argue that they can manage, well even though i haven't been into their
shoes, i still believe they just hide it for arrogance sake.

> As far as I am concerned , Computer Programming is a great way to make
> a living . When you go to services Industry , the problem mentioned by
> you is really there. Try to work with a Product development company or
> a Application Services Provider , I think you will have much
> predictable daily schedules and even the activities meant for a
> quarter can be foreseen.
> The million dollar question is , Is there any alternative ?

This is what few of my elders and friends mentioned, it would be
better to work for a product based company,However, hard to deny the
irony that most go for the name and reputation in compromise of hf()
function, well after all for some, work is about money nothing else
matters, for few others its passion, and for some its the happiness
which comes out with balancing all the aspects.

I really wonder why there are every few discussions on such important
topics and more on technical.

Althaf K Backer

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