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XDSDocumentEntryTypeCode at ITI-18

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Sergio Juan Membiela

Sep 22, 2022, 9:13:09 AM9/22/22
to ipf-user

I am dealing with the XDS server some contractors have deployed at our organization, and the documentation provided gives me this excerpt for filtering by "document type" when doing an ITI-18 request:

<Slot name="$XDSDocumentEntryTypeCode">

where "document type" means things like "Laboratory: Clinical Analysis" or "Image: Photographies".

I have looked at the library and the closest thing I see is
org.openehealth.ipf.commons.ihe.xds.core.metadata.DocumentEntryType, but it is an enum and it only provides two values, STABLE or ON_DEMAND.

When setting a documentEntryType value in the query, I get:

                <ns2:Slot name="$XDSDocumentEntryType">

Parsing through the standard, it seems to agree that DocumentEntryType must have one of those two values, and there is no reference to DocumentEntryTypeCode.

So,  my question is twofold:

* Is this XDSDocumentEntryTypeCode element outside of the scope of the standard/library? I start thinking this is kind of a homegrown extension. I realize this is more of a question for the contractors, but they are in defensive mode and I cannot get an answer.

* If the previous answer is no, which way should I use to set the element in the query?

* If the previous answer is yes, there is a an in-built way to add additional custom ns2:Slot elements to the query? I realize I could fork the library and add those relatively easily, but I prefer not to do so unless necessary.

Thanks in advance,


Sep 22, 2022, 9:35:30 AM9/22/22
to ipf-user
Hi Sergio,

DocumentEntryType is linked to $XDSDocumentEntryType (it's called objectType in IHE specifications). You want to set $XDSDocumentEntryTypeCode (the typeCode), you have to use the class Code in your query (by example using FindDocumentsQuery.setTypeCodes(List<Code>)).

Kind regards,
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