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Coordinated releases of IPF and Husky after quarterly release of hapi-fhir?

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Oliver Egger

Jun 12, 2023, 5:39:27 AM6/12/23
to, Husky, Quentin Ligier, Alexander Kreutz
Hello everyone

We are challenged with dependencies between different projects:

hapi-fhir <== matchbox-engine <== husky
              <== ipf <== husky. <== mobile access gateway.

hapi-fhir ( started to do regular releases every quarter:

2022-11-17 - 6.2.0
2023-02-17  -6.4.0
2023-05-27-  6.6.0 

Would it be possible that we could follow for ipf, husky also such a quarterly release cycle after hapi-fir has been published?

If ok, we would also be able to provide a PR for a new release which would update the dependencies to hapi-fhir  6.6.0.

Best regards

mobile: +41765795005

ahdis ag
c/o The Hub Zürich Association
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8005 Zürich
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Thomas Papke

Jun 19, 2023, 4:19:02 PM6/19/23
to ipf-user
Hello Oliver,

just my thoughts on your request:
The integration of hapi-fhir into IPF is quiet hight, but i don't think that every single hapi release will cause API breakings that really require a new IPF release. Consuming Services and application can simply define their own dependency management and include the dependency management from hapi (hapi-fhir-bom) of a version they want (to override any transitive dependency definition), as long as a API compatibility is verified. Hapi 6.6 is a good example: I don't see there any incompatiblity to IPF 4.6, all tests seems to run fine - so it should be safe to use IPF 4.6 and HAPI 6.6 in your client application.

Nethertheless, any PR with for updating to a new HAPI release is welcome to also see if API breaking changes are present and provide a solution in case of a incompatiblity. I think releases should still be done if a meaningful featureset is provided and not based on a hapi release trigger.

But let's hear the feedback from other's as well.

Best regards,

Christian Ohr

Jun 22, 2023, 3:54:35 AM6/22/23
to ipf-user
I support Thomas thoughts. 
There are a lot of libs that IPF depend upon that release on a regular basis (HAPI, Camel, Spring, ...) and you cannot pick a single one to trigger a release.


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